You all are SUCH connoisseurs apparently. I LOVE the food in my area. I live in the middle of pizza heaven, which is a VERY bad place for me to live. Accademia, on the corner from my address, has wonderful pizza in my opinion. My son is visiting and as we were eating pizza there lately I said, "Do you like this pizza?" He said, "Yes." I said, "You know the expats here complain about the pizza. They say B.A. doesn't know how to make pizza." He's been all over Europe, including Italy, and he says y'all are probably looking for the kind of pizza they have in the U.S. He agrees with me that the food is good. But then he thinks Argentina is a great place. Of course what difference does that make to anyone. We all like what we like! And rightly so!
I guess it takes all kinds . . . . and in B.A. we definitely have all kinds.