Interesting discussion. I am a noob when it comes to cooking but am trying to improve my skills. Locals have recommended the cookware brand "Essen" ( Are they any good?
Descubrí los productos más buscados que no te podés perder en Cocción y Horneado Baterías, Ollas y Sartenes Baterías Completas ✓ Con Envío Gratis y Rápido ❤ Aprovechá Compras Internacionales.
The thickness is 2mm and when I apply pressure on the sides of the ollas there is no movement.
This seller is offering the set at a lower price than any of the other sellers and the price has not been increased recently.
Other seller are offering the exact same set at prices starting near $95.000.
PS: Based on my experience with this seller, the low ML rating is not deserved!
The first cookware I bought in BA was at a church rummage sale. A pot with lid of stainless steel by Tramantino in Brazil was $18ARS. I've had good luck finding the brand at house sales at a very good price. Stainless steel lasts forever. Steve lives too far from the capital to attend the weekend house sales run by Maria Marenessi where families sell practically everything they own, so Mercado Libre is his only option.