Alicia Castro's Letter To The Guardian

I will agree about the hubris and unwillingness to accept reality, but I think the "inherent fascist impulse" is unfair. It exists in Argentina, but it is far from universal.

Unfair? And yet you say garbage like this -

The Argentines who care it about are literal psychopaths,

about Argentine football fans just because you prefer rounders to the world game?
Unfair? And yet you say garbage like this -

about Argentine football fans just because you prefer rounders to the world game?

someone say rounders?
Unfair? And yet you say garbage like this -

about Argentine football fans just because you prefer rounders to the world game?

Soccer is part of the sector in which that tendency exists. I suppose it's understandable, though, that someone might go psycho after having wasted 90 minutes watching yet another scoreless tie (the figure is approximate, since soccer clocks apparently have the digital precision of a Paleolithic sundial).