Animal Cruelty Laws In Argentina?

Warning (content will make you want to kill the guy):

Hopefully, the guy was arrested but I don't think he'll get too much into trouble.

Name, address, phone number:
Perea Carlos J

(03543) 43-3667​
Fitz Roy 474Villa Allende, CordobaArgentina

Look at his body language, tells it all
There are two abandoned dogs in my block. I hear the dog in the empty warehouse adjacent to my apartment crying every morning for more than one year. The dog is alone all day long inside with no means of going out for fresh air and sunshine. The owner once lived in the rear of the building, but moved out and left the dog to guard the building. The warehouse was rented three years ago, but has never been used for any purpose. The dog owner comes once a week to wash the warehouse floor. If this isn't animal cruelty, I don't know what is.

The other dog is abandoned in a junkyard without a roof all year long while the old man who rents the unauthorized lot comes to sell the junk and gives no attention to the animal who I hear crying every night as I fall asleep. The lot was inspected three years ago by the city and found to be dangerous to all the people in the block (flammable materials, junk, and high risk of dengue). Nothing has been done. The city passes me off to the next department. No one will close the place down. I suspect the old man has money in hand for a nice bribe so the inspectors forget their job and the situation.

Last night as I heard the dog howling, I decided I needed to find somewhere to turn for help. It came from the most unexpected source. The conductor of the Orquesta de Camara del Congreso volunteers with an animal rescue organization and posted information Sunday on his FB.

I never had a dog at home, but I recognize the cry of a stressed animal. Tomy is so stressed that he has removed the hair from below his nose by constant licking. The old man enters the junkyard about three days a week and doesn't even touch Tomy, who is his faithful companion. The old man lifted his cane as if he wanted to attack me while I was taking photos of the awful conditions in this rat infested lot that is a health hazard to everyone living in the block.


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If you see an animal that is mistreated or abandoned, contact the MINISTERIO PUBLICO FISCAL DE LA CIUDAD DE BUENOS AIRES at the following email to file your complaint.

[email protected]
Oct 24 -- I submitted a denuncia by email about the two dogs in two lots on my block that are abandoned.
Oct 28 -- I received a phone call from MPF about my message with photos. The woman never identified herself and then questioned why I made two denuncias in the same message. When I tried to explain, she hung up the phone on me.
Nov 14 -- I arrived at the front door while two men came to investigate the abandoned dog next door. I told the man that I was the person who filed the denuncia and gave him the information he didn't have from my message. The dog was removed from the depository recently. I told him when he would find the other depository open on certain days and hours.
Nov 30 -- I received a CEDULA DE NOTIFICACION JUDICIAL from the MINISTERIO PUBLICO FISCAL with a transcript of their actions with my name misspelled and an error in my DNI. It was lots of legalese. The last paragraph is the important part:

Notify the complainant of the provisions herein and of the right that assists her to request its review before the hierarchical superior, having to indicate the probative evidence that allows reopening the investigation, letting her know that art. 245 of the Penal Code of the Nation classifies as a crime the "false denuncia".

It wouldn't surprise me if the man, who thinks he is giving a large dog a good home for years in a junkyard, merely paid a bribe to the person who investigated the situation. This junkyard had operated for 20 years or more without any concern for the health and safety of the public who live in the area and who are affected by the conditions that exist. I have been filing denuncias for three years to get this place closed. The notice that I filed a "false denuncia" is incredible.
That is really sad.

In this fallen world, in this valley of shit and tears, such things happen everywhere. Almost half the children in Argentina live below the poverty line, while in Yemen there are hundreds of thousands literally starving to death, thanks to the Saudis and the UAE, who are backed by the governments of the US and UK. And nobody gives a dusty f***

And yet, this world also contains great beauty, and many people of surpassing kindness.

I have no words.