Another pickpocket scam ...

Oh, look at me! I got a new scam! :) I'm from rural Missouri in the U.S., and I've never had to deal with big city life. I've learned a lot over the past year, that is for sure.

When it comes to blending in, that's impossible for me. I'm 6'4", blond, and blue-eyed. I speak Spanish quite well, but they always know. I feel like I'm in high school sometimes. "I just want to fit in!" :)

Last year I went to that mall by the Bulnes Subte station with a friend. When we left, we decided to take the the Subte back home. Well, as it turns out, two guys were watching me and my wallet. When I took the Subte pass out of my wallet, I put my wallet in the front pocket of my hoodie. (I do that all of the time at home. I was talking to my friend and not paying attention.) When we entered the Subte, those two guys followed me in. Once the doors shut, one started to vomit really close to my foot. So, logically, I backed up. Guess who was behind me? The other guy! He put his hand in my front pocket while I was distracted and snatched my wallet. Fortunately, I only had credit cards that he never was able to use and no cash.

As many in this thread have pointed out, this isn't a problem unique to Buenos Aires. I like to think of the bigger picture. What are people supposed to do when umemployment is so high and the benefits of employment so few? The minimum wage here is $391 USD a month. There is no way that someone could fully support themselves making that kind of money. Besides, many people can't even get those jobs. I used to work with an NGO here, and you'd be surprised how many adults can't even do basic math.

I don't get mad. Instead, when that young guy is trying to sell me tissues on Santa Fe, I buy a couple packs. When those people are selling their little gadgets out on Corrientes, I might stop and buy a few. Does anyone really think these people enjoy pickpocketing? Perhaps if people here were afforded education, jobs, and decent wages, the situation would be better. However, the wealthy in this country would rather live in their fenced-in fortresses and ignore the plight of so many who suffer so that they may live in their luxury apartments and go to expensive Tango shows and dinners every weekend. Greed is a terrible thing, isn't it?

Every country has its problems. All in all, I think Argentina is a great place to be. I wish I could do more to improve the social situation.
bradlyhale said:
... and you'd be surprised how many adults can't even do basic math.
Nope :D - have experienced a middle aged woman in a small restaurant using a calculator to add 16 + 6 - at least she knew the figures.
I just saw a gringo get robbed of a I-phone in the 152 line. He was not really that smart because he took a big rucksack and groceries so he was a easy target but there were basically watching around 20 people and nobody did anything
BlahBlah said:
I just saw a gringo get robbed ... but there were basically watching around 20 people and nobody did anything
There is even a Danish book about hitchhiking in South America with a title that translates to "Nobody helps a Gringo" :cool:
Argentina is a poor poor country and the people arent very nice. In fact, i find many brutish and rough.

When you walk around, look at the women, not some, but nearly all are clinging to their bags. Maybe wrapping both arms around it from the moment they leave their house. I never see that back home, just never. The fear is in the air, their knuckles white from clenching to what is theirs.
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Would they have helped if it were an argentine?
My son (16) saw a couple of kids robbing and beating up schoolfriends on the beach in Belgium. One boy tried to help but was beaten up too (had broken ribs). So all the others just watched and didn't do anything. One called the police but by the time they got there they were long gone.
The ones who actually do something when they see something are rare, unfortunately. (although in this case I was happy my son didn't interfere)
I don't think so, people are scared and you dont know how many there are and if they carry weapons

Stealing somebody without violence is not the same as violence, that's why they are not really comparable

I think that people in most first world countries would more likely to help
winston said:
Argentina is a poor poor country and the people arent very nice. In fact, i find many brutish and rough.

When you walk around, look at the women, not some, but nearly all are clinging to their bags. Maybe wrapping both arms around it from the moment they leave their house. I never see that back home, just never. The fear is in the air, their knuckles white from clenching to what is theirs.
Define Argentina.


Also as I wrote elsewhere: Out here in Mendoza, the locals carry their backpacks on their backs, often - like me - strapped over one shoulder only.

I have seen the same in Salta, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Martin de los Andes, Junin de los Andes, Bariloche, Resistencia, Corrientes, Goya, Santa Fé, Paraná, Tandil, Tres Arroyos, Bahia Blanca, ...
There is a scene in the film "Nuevas Reinas" (Nine Queens) where the two conmen are enjoying a coffee in a cafe, and the older one advises the younger to look around outside, as he does, the older one points out all the scams going on out there - good eductaion !

I have been to a number of places OUTSIDE of Buenos Aires and the maxim, "safe as houses" applies there without question. This is peculiar to the big cities (I have been told also happens in Rosario, Cordoba).