Another position in Canuelas

Mano Negra

May 21, 2009
Hi all,

Some friends who own a polo club and boutique hotel in Canuelas (about an hour out of BA by car) are looking for some help managing their hotel. It is about 8 rooms and very much a family sort of place. The primary responsibility will be looking after the guests and making sure they feel at home. This will require good Spanish in order to manage the maids and cook etc as well as to deal with Spanish speaking guests. You will also need good computer skills to deal with the administrative part of the business.

The job will be six days a week and the hours reasonably long as is common in the hotel business. In principle it is a live in position, though they may be prepared to provide a company car for an exceptional applicant to commute.

Puesto Viejo is a fun club with very pleasant members and lots going on, so this could be an amusing job for the right person, though it will curtail your ability to enjoy some of the night life of BA! If you like horses or polo it may be ideal.

The last person who held this role has been promoted internally and she is now running the polo side of the club.

Drop me a PM if you are interested and I will pass on your details.


p.s. I am still looking for a bilingual personal assistant, marketing assistant for my new insurance business (see earlier posts)
Hi Miles,
I've just registered and seen your post asking for a bilingual personal assistant. I'm really interested in that position and would love to learn more about it. In case you want to know more about me feel free to contact me:

[email protected]

Thanks in advance