Another Train Crash

MAtias, Seriously now, the dust hasn't even settled and you're already on the conspiracy bandwagon...UNTIL there is an independent investigation and not one by the INDEC spin doctors, at this stage, it appears to be an accident...can we just wait a little longer before we start with the wacky & LUNATIC, opposition POLITICAL plot theories? Or are you a fan of Delia?

Take a deep breath, hold it in..then release slowly.
Choques para Todos!

What amazes me is the complete lack of accountability - from all sides.

I love this country - it's the government I could do without.
This is ridiculous. I saw it on La Nacion this morning. We need one of these, excepts days without a train accident:


Please tell me I've missed something, but am I the only one that feels this hasn't been made enough of an issue?
I actually 100% support the nationalization of the train lines because this stupidity (in addition to my belief transit
should never be for profit) and I hate the train unions, but wasn't UGOMS made to prevent this? Doesn't UGOMS
control The Sarmiento Line right now? Regardless as someone who loves trains this makes me so sad since
they are basically viewed as death traps more and more, and I can't blame people for thinking so...
Who knows exactly what happened yet, but one thing for sure...I would NEVER trust the original hard drive data in the hands of the KK investigators.
Obviously what could be a key factor is whether the motorman deliberately tried to destroy the hard drive or not before 'allegedly' stealing it.

Then again, who exactly, "found" the hard drive in the Motorman's backpack? IS it really the original disk form the train or has it been planted there? How difficult is it to remove a hard disk from inside it's boxed enclosure while injured & bleeding..within 20 seconds just before all the rescuers & SUPER BERNI arrive? Who knows? No conclusions, just questions.
Public transportation, fare is $2.20ar: 50 cents. Kind of tough to maintain a service even with the subsidies. Doubt the fare even covers wages and the minute anyone suggests an increase in fares to upgrade and improve service, all hell breaks loose: burn the trains. You get the government you deserve and get what you pay for. Now hang me in hell.
Video from the 2012 accident.

How weird the brakes supposedly fail every time in the last station...
In the two recent train accidents, the driver was speeding, ignoring warnings, etc.

What we'll learn about this new accident (likely):
- Driver speeding
- Driver using his cellphone when entering Once
- Boum

Faulty drivers on one side, not enough will to change things (control the drivers) on the other side.
Video from the 2012 accident.
How weird the brakes supposedly fail every time in the last station

Hmmm...maybe it's cause there wasn't a dead stop at all the other train stations...who knows.
Most likely, as we've all come to expect with the excellent track record of the national government & it's management of the railways, the train was in perfect working order but the train driver was secretly working for Clarin & the wouldn't be the first time...after all, it is election time.