Antecendentes penales...Can you get a turno?

I made a reservation online for my turno at RNR in tribunales, in and out in less than 15 minutes.
One last doubt.

what is the significance of the various boxes in the "solicitud de certificado de antecedentes penales"

I marked "personalmente". Do I have to tick mark another box, to tell them I have to present it to ministry of external affairs?

[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_1000]I was talking about these boxes :- [/font]

[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Por Representante Legal [/font]

[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Por [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_1000]Mandatario con Autorización del Mandante [/font]

[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Por [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_1000]Mandatario con [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Poder ante [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_933]Escribano [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Público [/font]