One last doubt.
what is the significance of the various boxes in the "solicitud de certificado de antecedentes penales"
I marked "personalmente". Do I have to tick mark another box, to tell them I have to present it to ministry of external affairs?
[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_1000]I was talking about these boxes :- [/font]
[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Por Representante Legal [/font]
[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Por [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_1000]Mandatario con Autorización del Mandante [/font]
[font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Por [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_1000]Mandatario con [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Poder ante [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_933]Escribano [/font][font=HelveticaLTMM_1_867]Público [/font]