Anyone else having problems paying with foreign cards online?


Oct 31, 2022
Hello! Given the "dolar turista extranjero" is now working for Mastercards, I've been trying to use my Wise and Paysend cards on Rappi, PedidosYa and MercadoLibre and they're not accepting these foreign cards. Rappi was working two weeks ago with both my Wise and Paysend card, and I got the exchange rate refunds, so its frustrating now I'm having problems. Is anyone else experiencing this? I was in Arg during the Macri days and often used my foreign cards here but cant remember if it was difficult making online payments with foreign cards (with chip and pen in store was no problem).
Online has always been iffy for me; Rappi has worked previously, i.e. last year when I was waiting for a WU pickup, but even then it was hit and miss (to be fair, Rappi payment processing in Argentina is iffy too, sometimes I get notifications saying they couldn't process payment and then it's resolved when I click the notification).
Don't know if this applies here, but recently for rappi in Colombia they were insta banning foreign cards and you had to message their support to get them enabled.
I was using my card as I ran out of cash and was short of time for the last 2 weeks of November and 1st week of December and Rappi mostly worked fine but I could never get Flybondi to accept any of my cards
Don't know if this applies here, but recently for rappi in Colombia they were insta banning foreign cards and you had to message their support to get them enabled.
Is that new? Last year I was able to use my foreign debit card for Rappi in Colombia.
Hello! Given the "dolar turista extranjero" is now working for Mastercards, I've been trying to use my Wise and Paysend cards on Rappi, PedidosYa and MercadoLibre and they're not accepting these foreign cards. Rappi was working two weeks ago with both my Wise and Paysend card, and I got the exchange rate refunds, so its frustrating now I'm having problems. Is anyone else experiencing this? I was in Arg during the Macri days and often used my foreign cards here but cant remember if it was difficult making online payments with foreign cards (with chip and pen in store was no problem).
I was able to purchase a PedidosYa Plus membership with my foreign Mastercard, but have been unable to purchase meals after that.
Update: Rappi just worked with my Wise card, yay. Hope to see the refund soon