Generally speaking, both MEN and WOMEN tend to take better care of their appearance in Argentina. Not that there aren't exceptions. I tend to see that both men and women tend to take more care choosing their clothes, matching them, grooming, even obesity rates are way lower. I have serious pet peeves with the way most people dress back home, disregarding OBVIOUS things. An Argentine would not be caught dead wearing socks and sandals (that sort of thing). Since MOST people take better care of their appearance here, it's only natural to perceive that women are more feminine. If your idea of more feminine is to take better care of your appearance.
IMO being feminine goes beyond that and at that point I'm really not sure how Argentine women compare. However, older women tend to have longer hair and they seem to never "let go" the way a good chunk of women back home do. I guess in a way the answer would be: MAYBE A LITTLE.