We are planning to be off at the end of the year, as long as my girlfriends visa gets approved. She is actually more keen to leave than me, being from Tucumán its probably been easier on her than if she was porteña given she has been away from her family and a lot of her oldest friends for almost 3 years now. Although we earn in pesos here and certainly haven´t done much saving

we can afford to eat and live a reasonable sort of existence.
For us its a combination of factors, including the financial side. Life here isn't the easiest, but over time personally I have gotten more accustomed to some of the stuff that annoyed me at first but have found myself getting more frustrated with the economy/political side of things as I come to understand it more. The insecurity is really a killer though, my girlfriends store in Palermo Soho has been robbed twice in the past 2 weeks plus then someone trying to rob her and her colleague closing the store on a 3rd occasion -shes already an extremely jumpy person (even for an Argentine) and it really affects her. Shes scared to go to work and has come home crying on each of those 3 occasions, its not a nice way to live.
We also worry about what would happen bringing a family up here, what the future brings and this is financial as well. We are still pretty young and want to have a family, I can't imagine how much we would worry with the insecurity and kids here. And then, if things don't improve and/or one day we decided we want to leave could we then be in a position to set ourselves up having lived on pesos for x no of years?
Having said that, I have had a had a blast - the city is good fun, the people (on the whole) are as well.
Just a question for the Americans, is healthcare really
that bad in the US? I have never lived in the US, but do people really leave/not want to go back purely for the health system?