Argentina 2013 Economy


Dec 17, 2012
Just read an article by the economist at Chinese Embassy in BsAs.
(CFK just ordered about 400 trains from China to replace the old
wooden train from Belgium about 100 years ago, about 406 coaches
will be replaced with modern trains from China with TV and current commuinicaion

Anyway, here is the economy summary:

Argentina's (2013) economy's growth will drop to 2.2% from 8.9% (2012), and the inflation will be
around 26% (25% last year). Argentina is the ONLY South America country with no growth and
high inflation. High inflation is usually combined with high growth. So CFK is really f** the country.

3 factors cause hight inflation:

1)debt, this year Argentina has to pay 7 billion in debt. Compared to the European countries,
the debt ratio is not high, at 40%. But the AR credit rating is way way lower than the European
countries for what Ar did in the past.

2)over printing currency, banking law was changed so the central bank can subsidize the programs
(by printing)

3)too many government programs and pension programs, they have to print more pesos, to
keep things going. CFKs got stimulas programs.

It is going to be a bad year for Ar with 2.2% groith and 13% drop in soy bean production. Sh*t
is going to happen soon. ( this is not in the report)

The other high inflation country is Venezuela, which already controled its inflation under 13%.
All other Latin America countries keep their inflation under 10%.

The real growth of last year is about 1% if you factor everything.

On the real estate front, the # of transaction (notary) has been shrinking for 12 month continuously.
Mainly because of the media (US$) is being controlled, and foreign buyers are trying to dump their
flats and could not find a local buyer wtih sufficient US$.

Argentian lost 18 billion US$ in 9 month. With what happening, the outflow is faster.
1)debt, this year Argentina has to pay 7 billion in debt. Compared to the European countries,
the debt ratio is not high, at 40%. But the AR credit rating is way way lower than the European
countries for what Ar did in the past.

The debt ratio is "low" for 2 reasons:

1) Argentina defaulted on previous debt. Therefore that debt was wiped out.
2) Why borrow more when you can just print to cover your expenses? That is what K has been doing since the mega-default.
The debt ratio is "low" for 2 reasons:

1) Argentina defaulted on previous debt. Therefore that debt was wiped out.
2) Why borrow more when you can just print to cover your expenses? That is what K has been doing since the mega-default.

Make sense, how long can K keep playing this game, the resources will be exhausted eventaully.
Make sense, how long can K keep playing this game, the resources will be exhausted eventaully.

That is a very hard question to answer. Imagine a guy who gets completely drunk every evening right before driving home from work. We can all confidently say that he is an accident waiting to happen and sooner or later he will hurt himself and possible someone else. However, as certain as we can be that this will not end well, it is impossible to predict if the tragedy will happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. It will happen, but we can't say when. That is pretty much what we have with Argentina today. Argentina is a bug in search of a windshield.
What is the form of the existing debt:

1) US Dollar or Ar Peso?
2) What is the average interest rate?
3) What is the current budget deficit and how is it being financed
4) Is Argentina issuing new debt - in pesos or dollars?
5) Is Argentina engaged in QE?

What I'm trying to gauge is if and when Argentina is going to run into trouble servicing their debt?
That is a very hard question to answer. Imagine a guy who gets completely drunk every evening right before driving home from work. We can all confidently say that he is an accident waiting to happen and sooner or later he will hurt himself and possible someone else. However, as certain as we can be that this will not end well, it is impossible to predict if the tragedy will happen tomorrow, next week, next month or next year. It will happen, but we can't say when. That is pretty much what we have with Argentina today. Argentina is a bug in search of a windshield.
I heard - "the bug in search of a windshield" before in reference to Japan's debt.
Best be careful before any of the K 'believers' turn up in this thread and tell you the economy is growing in every corner and things are fine.
Remember Clairn lies! hahaha
Best be careful before any of the K 'believers' turn up in this thread and tell you the economy is growing in every corner and things are fine.
Remember Clairn lies! hahaha

Things are fine. Compared to other times, at this moment in this country things are fine.