Ok. I didnt vote to Cristina or Nestor ever, but I recognise some facts of this government that have been good to my country.
Could someone explain me HOW the HDI index from UN, in my opinion the best way to measure a country from a social point of view -the UN, the most serious people that measure this no matter if its a dictatorship or a democracy, if its a power or if its a poor country, if it is capitalism or socialism- HOW in this country that index just went up unstoppably in the past, lets say, 7 years?
Argentina and Chile were the only South American countries that grew their HDI index up to the "Very High Human Development" category. THAT happened with this government.
Because there were a lot of warnings the past years about the economy, such as "soil price will fell down next year", "a crisis will come and this will end like every goverment did", and a huge etcetera, I prefer not so much to pay attention to proyections and estimative numbers. What I already said about the economy is true, every one recognise that. I repeat, you all should know what this country is in a recession cycle. You almost dont see people in the streets, shops closed, kioscos closed, more poverty, less traffic, empties malls, all that stuff I said is true and is a thermometer of economy, a little rustic, but the difference is evident.
Argentina grew this past years and lots of people went out of poverty. Fact. More than the half that today can consider middle class. Also, that growth, was with good numbers of inequality, something very hard to reach. The gini index went down like 10% in these years. That means the wealth distribution did work well.