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- Feb 8, 2014
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The "US" doesn't lend Argentina money. Can we at least have an intelligent conversation?
I suspect by "US" we mean "the international money market" or "sovereign bond market", they don't lend Argentina money because they don't like the odds of Argentina playing by the rules in terms of repayments. Whether that decision is right or wrong can be debated I suppose, but it's not a concern of the money market.
China's investments are state controlled, they are done so on the basis of need. Their pressing need is not foreign currency, it's food and raw materials, Rather than extra returns, they need the raw materials to help fuel their economy. Argentina can provide a variety of these, they'll take Chinese money now and guarantee raw materials, grains, soy etc (whether they have hedged for a good price on these materials long term remains to be seen) and invest it where they need to. This govt needs to make some political capital out of social spending, so that's where the money goes. Their return (they hope) will come from the ballet box.
Let's be grown up and objective, there are no altruistic lenders out there. China pumps money into Veneuela to guarantee petroleum flows to them, to Argentina to guarantee other raw materials.
I find it highly amusing to watch Argentina, a socially progressive country, welcoming Putin with open arms whilst ignoring his deplorable behaviour. What do FpV think about banning transexuals and transgenders from driving? How does that sit with those progressive inclusive policies?
Not defending the economic system the US has given us, that's another discussion, but lets at least be realistic about the people we're jumping into bed with here!
Ps. No, Argentina has not run out of South American allies. Not even slightly despite the wishing, groaning and moaning that goes on from the pensioner brigade on here.
PPs. American industry and globalisation, pertro industry, fracking industry and military are Greenpeace now are they!? Friends of the Earth is it? Give me a break, take a look at yer own back yard before lumping in to the Chinese. Took you long enough to wake up to Climate change and sign a fcking agreement.
Intelligent? Well, tell me, intelligent being, during the 90's who lent money to Argentina and what kind of money? Dollars.
Who lent money, approved and trained the military during the 70's in Argentina? The US
I am not talking about lending money now, can you read and interpret a text properly, "intelligent" person? What I said was that during the 90's, with the US approval, different institutions lent money to Argentina for corruption and speculation. Did you know, "intelligent" person, that without the back of the US no one could give money to Argentina, are you that naive or just thick?
So, what do you have to say about the US backing terrorist around the world, like the UK or you Irish country? Backing regimes that torture and murder people just because they do not like their thoughts or because a woman did not wear a burka?
You are a laugh, seriously.
How did Argentina end up after the "carnal relations" with the US? 60% poverty, 25% extreme poverty, privatization of the little industry that we had, etc, etc.