Argentina Hunting Down Justin Bieber

"omg i didn't realize people had so many opinions about the Roman Polanski situation" - that's quite the understatement. You do understand that siding with Polanski means defending a convicted pedophile and rapist, right?
An offensive stance to say the least.

If you're assuming that my statement is me siding with him, you've misunderstood. (It's just that he's an old friend of my dad, but I really know nothing to opine about)
It's not that far fetched in the context of this forum to have to declare from time to time that one does not approve of Hebephilia or even of Ephebophilia.
And in any case, as a prominent ex-Potterarian, I would never approve of any initiation of force or fraud, and Roman's case includes both. Still he puts actors, musicians and scripts together in quiet a sophisticated and delectable way.