We can talk here about forms of government, socialist, hands off capitalism, etc., etc., but the truth of the matter is, that in Argentina, until there are enough virtuous/ethical people, things will not get better. The problem of economic disparity is a moral problem, not a system problem (although the moral part infiltrates into the system). When the people in charge, and the people beneath them, all refuse to take advantage of the poor, charge usury rates on loans, and generally not be despicable, then those issues quickly come to an end. Argentina's problem is not the system--it's the corruption on every level. There are plenty of virtuous people, but not enough. There are a few rare honest politicians, but those are few and far between. Until people in this country decide to quit robbing, cheating, and stealing from each other in every way, things will continue to spiral downward.
I recall a few months ago seeing on the news how a group of robbers hurriedly assaulted a rapipago, and left some of the money and other things in their quick flight on the floor. A woman who was a client at the rapipago came into the store. She proceeded to pick up the money and take it as her own. Completely despicable, and taking advantage of the couple that owned the little store. This kind of behavior is commonplace in Argentina, and no one was really that surprised by the lady's actions. This is the way so many (not all people of course!) people think and act. Me, myself, and I.
This is the way the current people in the government act, for the most part. These were all officials that were supporters of Menem and went right along with him. They are not in this to help people or put a better system in place. They are in it for themselves. Cristina Kirchner has stolen from the Argentine people in a thousand ways, and all of the people she has put in office. It's really pathetic. Even if these people have put a better model in place (which I really don't think they have), they have cheated and stolen, and are just like all the politicians who have come before in Argentina. Ideology is not what makes a great leader. Actions are what make a great leader.