Actually I am originally from New York City, have lived in many neighborhoods there, upper west side, midtown, bronx, brooklyn, and I have to say nowhere in the world comes close to the variety of people, cultures and food that co-exist side by side there. Brooklyn could practically be it's own state, you run the gamut there from highly eductated yuppies to white trash and everything else in between. For me the best parts of Brooklyn were Bensonhurst / Bay Ridge and awl the Italyan big hair girls named Ann-Marie Scozzafava and their boyfriends Vinny Muffalettini side by side with the little grandmothers eternally dressed in black with a wooden spoon in hand. And the Russian neighborhood at the end of the line near coney island called "Brighton Beach" you see all these 6 foot tall russian ladies with HUGE boobies watermelon sized buying fish and black bread wearing fur coats and big glittery earrings in the supermarkets on Brighton Beach Avenue. The russian men are big bellied but solid and swim in the Atlantic Ocean in 0 degrees and are part of the polar bear club. Ahhhh good ol' New Yawk.......