Argentinas loss makes us introspective


Jun 20, 2006
Argentina’s thrashing to Germany yesterday has created a lot of discussion and soul searching. 100s of forums have been highly critical of the argentine character and it haughty behavior as well as putting a spotlight on our bad sportsmanship and our faults as a nation. This forum below has over 8000 replies alone and most very critical about Argentineans.,253409#mwpphu-container

As a race and culture we are perceived as boastful, individualistic, racist and many more comments.
Some are unfortunately true and I hope that all of us can be humbled by this experience
they lost a game of died because of it,thankfully...
Well... credit where credit is due, Maradona doesn’t deserve anything but praise and I for one hope he stays on as Manager of Argentina.

This article was published just before the Germany game which is worth a read:

Yeah they lost against Germany but without Maradona as manager Argentina probably wouldn’t have even made it to South Africa!
Messi had a bad game, but apart from that Argentina gave a similar performance to every other game they played. All out attack, wave after wave, but this time german defence was too tight and well disciplined to let anything through, and their lightning counter attack undid argentina's weak defence.

Wasn't expecting a 4-0 result, but i didn't see argentina beating germany, based on germany's recent performances and the argentinian side's weaknesses...

Some of the criticism seems a bit ridiculous. Seems a bit hollow to sing the team's praises when they're winning, then criticise their cultural heritage when they lose. They've been incredibly entertaining to watch and support, and they've been a team to be proud of. They lost a game of football, essentially because the other side were better than them. For me at least, its that simple.
A doctor doing open heart surgery after only doing superficial stitches "doesn’t deserve anything but praise" as well?

Nothing to do with cultural heritage, France did not advance because of Domeneches foolishness, England should have won easily in 2002 except for Erikson's in-match lack of creativity. Germany advances because of logical coaching training and promotion system, not because of culture.

Very interesting Forum from La Nacion above.
The soul searching carries on and lots of depressed people in Capital Federal at the moment . The energy is flat after this huge build up to Argentina being in the finals but it was not to be and Germany won decisively.
You might want to start with a little more accuracy. This is a country of immigrants.

pericles said:
As a race

Argentinian isn't a race. It's a nationality. Initially a mixture of immigrants from southern Europe mostly, intermingled with the local South American blood.

Since that time, more immigrants have come from Middle eastern countries, Eastern and Western European nations and other South and North American nations. They are ALL Argentinian as long as they are born and bred here.

All Argentinians are immigrants, except those you look down upon the most, those being of native Argentinian and South American blood. The ones you call " negros " or " paraguas " or " bolitas ".

It takes a really weak an insecure culture to feel the need to think itself better than the next just because you think yourself more European. Well you're not better. And since you aren't a born and bred European, you're not that either. And thinking yourself so only makes you less.

If this soccer loss is what gives you pause to think on that stupidity. So be it.
Maybe if N Americans spent some more time eminating cultures with substance (aka Europe) you might develop some culture of your own...noone says you have to sell your soul to be European but at least many Argentineans appreciate art, history, music, language and culture because of their European roots in a way most N Americans have never seen or known...and I say this with a son born in the uS but with the v good fortune to have European parents who live in Argentina..
Hold on a second, let me channel my inner European so that I may be " cultured " like you. Lol wow. Are you kidding me ? The average argentinian has never even set foot in Europe.

And for the Record. I was BORN in Europe and Raised in the USA. I have also spent half my life living on four different continents. Never have I seen the ugly backwards closed minded xenophobic third world open overt blatant racism that exists in this country.

Luckily not all of you can teach your children to hate and hopefully future generations will understand that Europe isn't a mecca and racism isn't the norm.

But you go ahead and run with that.
fifs2- I must disagree.
I don't know where your child was born in the US, but mine(born is SF, CA) has been attending an Argentine public school for the past 4 months. He is in the 2nd grade. I have to say based on the playdates with fellow schoolmates, my son is by far much more well traveled, has seen more of Argentina than his friends in his short time here, he has been exposed to many more cultures than his peers, and is more aware to art, music and language than his playmates in his public school.
So while I don't want this to be a pissing match- honestly, I fiercely disagree.
The one thing I can say is that my son probably has more patriotism towards Argentina. He can recite all the anthems-sing all the songs. When I ask him what is the American 'pledge of allegiance'. he has no idea of what I am talking about.
But with regard to culture, musuems and overall worldly expiriences, I don't think you can discount the US. Of course, this is my personal experience.