Argentinian Women

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Maybe because I was born and raised in this "neighborhood", I find nothing appealing about this "Latin girl" stereotype. And let's be clear, it is a stereotype. But like all stereotypes, there is a measure of truth in it.

I think it is true that we tend to feel attracted by what we don't have. I ended up marrying a Japanese woman, and could not be happier. The fact that in many ways she behaves nothing like local latin girls is a huge plus for me. I like the fact that she is very discreet, non-dramatic, pragmatic, never shouts or yell and don't have fits of unjustified jealousy a huge plus. That does not mean that there are no latin girls that don't behave like that. There are. But those are not common traits down here.
I've to meet the first non-hysterical Argentinean female

Let's stay away from stereotypes - at both ends of the spectrum. My wife is highly intelligent, strongly opinionated, and simpática with great people skills, but she is never hysterical.
Can't help but chime in here. Some generalizations. I might be biased because I am married to a great woman from here, but in my opinion women here make great companions for life. They are into family and usually hope to form a family once married, do not care how much money you make (generally speaking), and can be very fun-loving but still aren't afraid to put in the hard work that it means to build a marriage and a life together. I think women here can be very passionate, and some of them also might be hysterical I guess, but at least they are not boring. While it's true there is a lot of pressure on women here to look good and unfortunately this culture so often objectifies women as sexual objects, on the flip side, I am appreciative that my wife doesn't let her body go and she still tries to look attractive for her husband (although I value my wife mostly for other reasons). I see that this scenario often repeats itself in many marriages here. Also, I see that women here are proud of feminine characteristics and don't apologize for it. I think on the whole the women here are good women and it's a shame the guys here can't wake up and see what they have instead of just always trying to fulfill hedonistic desires or being too silly to commit to someone.

There is the odd crazy woman here and there, but for the most part I find them pretty normal. Argentines in general are passionate, sentimental, and emotional people. If you don't like that kind of thing, then here you will have to search harder for someone who doesn't fit that mold. There are a lot of criticisms about the women here, but if I had a son I definitely would not mind if my son brought home an Argentine one day to marry.
Try to date a jewishwoman here,if you don´t have much money or a good car like me,or if you don´t look great,and lets talk later about how much succes you had.
In Israel I used to date beautiful women despite having no money,here,I only dated one crazy nut doctor,and praise God,is over already
BTW not, every argentinean male is a pice of sh...t,maybe the ones that some women here attract,I think that certain women attarct certain kind of men.
I know I´m not the best exameple,sicne,I lived almsot my whole adult life outside argentina but i know many argeninean guys who a re not like that
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