Argentinian Women

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The last thing I want to do is insult anyone - it's just not something that I particularly care for, even by accident. But I was married to an American woman for 20 years and it was about 18 years of pure hell. I agree that generalizations are not great to use for the most part, but we, as humans, pretty much have to generalize to an extent to deal with the flood of information that exists, particularly in these days. So anything I say about American women or Latin men, please take with a grain of salt and know that much of this is based on my personal experience, which may be different from anyone else's :)

I think Latin women are at a handicap to an extent, given the amount of male machismo that exists in probably the majority of Latin cultures. Women seem to be brought up to believe it's a man's world and they are incidental - except when things like sex and family come along. I've heard many young ladies (I have access to quite a few, considering my girls have what seems like literally hundreds of friends who pass through our house over the years) state how most guys (here, to be more specific) figure they're going to have sex with a woman they've only just set their eyes on, and there are many girls who fall into the same thinking as well, given the culture. One guy I've talked to actually says "every time I've told a girl I love her, it wasn't a lie, even though I may have just met her - I really believed it!" But the reality is, the feeling is most probably confused with lust and the women may confuse the earnest look in the guy's eyes, along with the culture impetus to procreate (how many women have started to approach 30 or more and start getting pressure in the form of "when are you going to have babies?" if they're already married or "when are you going to get married so you can have babies?" Maybe not so much middle class and up, but certainly in the lower economic classes - I've seen this with my own eyes and my wife is one who constantly gets pressure until she just gets tired of it).

American women seem to have gone so far the other way after decades of pushing women's rights (something I very strongly believe in - I just don't think that it's now men's turn to be subjugated by women - equality is a slippery concept and sometimes it's hard to come right out and define what that should mean, but I know that I was on the wrong end of things where I came from) that we now have a plethora of shows like The Simpsons, which show men as idiots and women as mostly calm and unemotional and almost always right - and when the "idiot" man does something that has a bad effect it's always "I told you so - look what you got us into". It has been my experience, at least in suburban Houston, that American women feel like they need to "train" and "change" (or even "housebreak") men to be more suitable. There is not nearly as much "accept him the way he is or find another one". Most of the guys I know were married to women who were constantly on their asses to become more what the woman thought he should be, which caused not a small amount of conflict in the marriage, or the guy just caved in and did what he was told and wasn't happy. Some of that was probably justified - but the women rarely accept things turned back on them. Change to suit a man? Not likely.

Now, you take an American guy who really has to work at even dating a woman (in comparison to how things seem to me to be here) in the States, and a Latin woman (I keep saying Latin because my wife is Paraguayan, beautiful, feminine and sexy and I believe it's not a phenomenon related to just Argentina, as was posited in the original post) and the guy is going to be thinking much more about being a gentleman (obviously there can be serious exceptions) and the woman is going to be blown away by how the guy treats her. And I actually have direct examples (first hand testimony) of this as my two oldest girls (19 and 17) have dated both Latinos (Argentinos and Paraguayans) and foreigners (American, Swedish and Dutch). they are absolutely blown away by the difference in how they are teated by the two groups - even though it's obvious the guys from both sides want the same thing.

Although I've traveled widely in the last 20 years, this is the first country I've settled down in and really gotten to know the culture. Therefore, I'm only assuming that things may be similar between men and women in, say, the UK and other European countries. Maybe not.

A lot of the above that I've written specifically about the perception of how American men treat Latin women I got from my wife and how she sees that I treat her vs how my wife was treated by every Paraguayan or Argentine man she ever dated.

I do know that my Paraguayan wife and I live a life much more equal than my American ex-wife and I ever lived. Having said that, my wife may be truly unique in some ways. For example, I've seen examples of some extreme jealousy on both sides here between Latin couples. To the point where a guy I'm having coffee and conversation with may receive 5-10 SMS messages from his wife or girlfriend while seated with me because the wife is very jealous of him and wants to know where he is and what he's doing at any given moment.

On the other side - I'm not a dancer (never was, much less so now at the ripe age of 52) but my wife is. When she tells me that she's going to go dancing with her friends, no one can believe that I'm "letting" her go - both males and females. They are blown away by the trust we have in each other and the confidence in our relationship.

I'm sure there are women in the US who are as "evolved" as my wife is (and many who are reading this forum may well be right up there - travelers are more likely to break cultural boundaries, I think), and I'm know there are guys in the States who are every bit as machista as the majority of the guys seem to be here (in fact, I know a few old dinosaurs who are indeed like that).

But I'll take my Latin wife any day over most of the American women I've known and my wife doesn't even need to think twice as to why she married me - it sure as hell ain't my money!
Once you`ve house trained them, possibly.
hahaha I don't know them too well but they have to be better than the men here! I get the impression Argentine women might see European men from certain countries as being somewhat naive (e.g. Germany). Some girls can be very very naughty.
hahaha I don't know them too well but they have to be better than the men here! I get the impression Argentine women might see European men from certain countries as being somewhat naive (e.g. Germany). Some girls can be very very naughty.
The men here are good and bad,depending on each,same with women,maybe is the kind of guy you have met
Regarding european men,well,go ask in France or Italy how are the men there,and better yet,ask in Europe what they think of them there...
El Queso:

I totally agree with you and this goes back to what I said in a previous post. What do you expect? Argentine Women don't know anything different from what they have here. When I finished my degree in England and returned to Argentina after having dated an Englishman for 7 years, I was shocked to see at the age of 28 how men treat women here. I have two older brothers and they are they same. I remember one particular occasion when one of my brothers took my ex boyfriend out to meet other girls?? WTF??? The poor bloke was speechless. I HAVEN'T MADE THIS UP!
Again,and why do you think that all argentinean men act the same?I know plenty that do not do that.
Regarding English men,well,maybe you knew the only one who was sober afther 5 o´clock,hahaha
Your brother has no sensitivity and no education that speaks bad for him,not for all of us
I quite like a drink or two myself, dear :) I have no idea how much my brothers have spent on prostitutes. They are quite open about it. Ah! one of them is married, by the way!
I like a drink too,is not the same as binge drinking.
Well,as an adult male,to go to prostitutes,I find it pathetic,prostitutes are to do the first time,also,why to pay,what you can get for free...
Again,and why do you think that all argentinean men act the same?I know plenty that do not do that.
Regarding English men,well,maybe you knew the only one who was sober afther 5 o´clock,hahaha
Your brother has no sensitivity and no education that speaks bad for him,not for all of us

Stereotypes often come about because of a basis in reality. Also, this may be a newer phenomenon to an extent - maybe it's something that wasn't as obvious/widespread a decade ago?

When I came here more than 8 years ago, I didn't have my wife's sisters to give me a heads-up on things like this. I do know that since I met my wife, Argentine men quite often act like pigs around my wife - with me right next to her, she being on my arm! There are at best very few men who didn't stare (looking is one thing, but a direct stare, sometimes even licking lips) as she walks by. What I still find hard to believe is the way some men here will just go apesh*t with catcalls - again even when she's on my arm.

Most of my experience with how men treat women here, in recent years, admittedly, is through my younger sisters-in-law. I've heard from un amigo Cordobese that things were not the same way even when he went to school here in Cap Fed some 13 or so years ago, as far as how younger people act nowadays, but it seems to me that the it is accurate to say at least that men from 18 to 30 act as stated.

Perhaps older Argentinos are more gentlemanly as a group - although perhaps porteros would seem to be excluded from that, given the number that seem to stand in the doorways in the late afternoons watching women pass with various states of mouth-agape-neck-twisting-snide-comment syndrome :)
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