Armed Robbery In Palermo 2Am Saturday


Mar 24, 2014
Hi Folks,
I am an "expat" I guess...I live here with my girlfriend and new daughter. They are Argentine, I am from the USA. I have been here for 3 years reading these posts so I thought I'd share a warning and experience.
I have been traveling and living in South America for about 8 years and am generally very very careful. Before Friday night I had never had anything like this occur so it was quite an eye-opening experience.
We were walking the 4 or 5 blocks from Bangalore to our Hotel at around 2 am this Friday. A taxi stopped behind us and two young men, like under 20, ran up behind us, one with a 9 mm pistol and one with a knife, the gun was put to my head and the knife my girlfriend. "DAME LA PLATA!" So I threw the money I 800 pesos...into the sidewalk away from me to get the guy off me and the guy pointed away...then the taxi pulled up in front and the robbers jumped in and sped away...
It only takes a little time and other people can be around so be careful...These guys were brazen and I have no doubt if I resisted he would have shot me...The city is becoming more and more unsafe and the criminals are becoming more brave because there is little resistance to their crime...I wish I could have done more but could not risk being shot...I figured if he shot me once he wouldn't stop.
Though I wasn't scared specifically at the experience...I just didn't really want to get shot and I certainly didn't want to die...
My name is Corey.This is a true story.
Sorry to hear that.

Got robbed too with a gun on my head (a 32 caliber I guess) not far from my house. Wondered if I would take my chances (was inside my car, guy holding the gun in his left hand) since I had a large gas spray within reach (to repeal bears).
Good thing I didn't react since I later discovered about the identity of the guy + the gun was really loaded.

Lucky this didn't end up with a tragedy. The guy who robbed me won't be really lucky next year when I'll move to another province (won't kill him but he will have a nice goodbye from me)...
Hi Corey,

glad that you posted, not so glad that it was about a negative experience.
Welcome to the active community of this forum. We hope to read more from you.
What a disaster! This city was never like this! I'm glad you're ok
the sad thing is one says to oneself "when will it happen to me?" is this the way to live ? We are not living in Mosul,Johannesburg or the west side of Chicago!

Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear about it. Yes, Once needs to be careful.
Sorry for the experience Corey. Palermo is so big, which part of Palermo is this ?
It's good to have a wallet with some pesos inside, when this happened, just toss it.
Lived 10 years in Buenos Aires and finally moved to USA. Buenos Aires was never like that and mostly that is a result of the massive immigration....
I am happy you are okay, Corey.
And to think this city is still MUCH safer than Sao Paulo......
Yes, it's still much much safer than Sao Paulo, where armed robbery is not a news, and you can get robbed 2-3 times a month in Sao Paulo or Rio.
What an awful experience, sorry to hear

Last week a Pesonal store with 40 clients inside was assaulted clients kept at gunpoint as hostages , Honduras 4700, Palermo.

