Dear Mike1, Thank you very much for the tip. Since I have been here ( 2006) I have not been able to withdraw more than $300 pesos per/W. I have account on citi and Bank of America where I am charged 6 dollars in fees per transaction. ( Citi does not charge you anything, if you withdraw on a citi ATM/) But still .. no more than $300 pesos.
After googling' I found out that in Bolivia and Peru you can withdraw in US currency, and the limit is the one your bank in US gives you. So.. since I am down here and willing to travel around..I decided to go to Bolivia on March. Gues what? I could withdraw as much I wanted in US Currency and only "$2 dollar fee" which compared with 5,90 something.. Makes a HUGH difference on the long run.I will now try to go to that ATM Hopefully it works!!! ( since I have tried in diffent ATMs in several parts of BA. Cheers!Kat