Ba And Epidemic Corruption

Elqueso, bars and restaurants work in black or/and they do money laundry. They are not Carmelitas Descalzas.
You are wrong. This is something you imaging. As usual.

No it is not wrong Bajo you live in one the most sad and corrupt countries in the world. It is what it is. The question is are you man enough to face it like a man and call it what it is. Or will you keep tossing up your delusions of justice.
You need a shrink "thinker".

Well like the typical Argentino you cannot debate you just toss excuses and insults like your corrupt meaningless K queen. Which sums up your broke, stealing, lying, excuse making we do not pay back the money corrupt blaming it on everyone else sad poor country and culture. Shame on me for expecting anything else of you Argentino.
Really? Seriously? Are you f....g kidding me? You are the one who is always making stupid statement that 99% of the time are insults. Your last reply is a good example. Sad.
Really? Seriously? Are you f....g kidding me? You are the one who is always making stupid statement that 99% of the time are insults. Your last reply is a good example. Sad.

No I am not where is the 100 billion sunshine? While the children are picking the garbage for food in your country. Lets play Bejo I am all in!
Take the pill.

No, no, wait, you are from that country where people go to war to have the chance to study or have a medical insurance?

Guess what? You have this for free here.
Elqueso, bars and restaurants work in black or/and they do money laundry. They are not Carmelitas Descalzas.

If that's the case, maybe the K's should care less about the evil vultures/soft coup attempts/... but start a fight with the bars and restaurants - as they are all either money laundry places or work in black, there's so much untaxed money, Argentina could probably pay its debt several times ;)