Bad school

exactly what happened to me.
the boss said i could write anything that he didnot care.. so i sent him my review.
here is the mail i just received :\

Expéditeur: Damian Lara BA LANGUAGE <[email protected]>
Date: 18 avril 2012 18:44:23 UTC-03:00
Destinataire: Thomas Pimont <[email protected]>
Objet: Rép : my review

Thomas solo una cosa, voy a darte la oportunidad que elimines este articulo, en caso que no lo hagas en 24hs, te iniciaré las acciones judiciales. Por injurias y agresividad.

El 18 de abril de 2012 12:44, Thomas Pimont <[email protected]> escribió:

I am notused to make public comment on internet of my experience when i buy a service,go to a hotel or see a movie. But the way i was treated by this school deservepublicity as it must be quite unusual on the panorama of schools. So i came toBa Language ( ....
"Por injurias y agresividad." this guy is an expert in it. i would add intimidation in his case. thomas.
You got your money back. If I was you I would take it down, forget about it and move on. Life is short.
I am sorry to hear that, Thomas.
My friends and I attended to that School and the attention was great. Not only customized but also, friendly and very patient...
I am afraid things might have been difficult with you for them to finish like that.
I would hardly beleive Damian wrote what you said... But this is your way of expressing your feelings, ok for you! Good for us that we can learn from other people experience.
Are you planning to continue studying elsewhere?
Stephy10 said:
I am sorry to hear that, Thomas.
My friends and I attended to that School and the attention was great. Not only customized but also, friendly and very patient...
I am afraid things might have been difficult with you for them to finish like that.
I would hardly beleive Damian wrote what you said... But this is your way of expressing your feelings, ok for you! Good for us that we can learn from other people experience.
Are you planning to continue studying elsewhere?

An overly obvious attempt at damage control. FAIL.
mcaffa said:
An overly obvious attempt at damage control. FAIL.

right .. with a profile just created for this post, and then two quick others to pretend as if..
After i got part of my money back i thought fair enough, let's forget it. I lost some dollars and one month time but soon I will forget. Just wrote a message to the boss saying it was not nice and necessary that her partner shout at me before handling the money. But when he answered me threatening me with lawyers and immigration issues (!) and blaming me I decided to write about it. Of course it is not the worst thing that can happen in Ba for sure and i don't intend this story spoil any longer my stay here. Even if they continue to threat. I keep the eloquent mails and text message. By the way the 4 spanish courses were ok but the management is awful.
thomas-french said:
exactly what happened to me.
the boss said i could write anything that he didnot care.. so i sent him my review.
here is the mail i just received :\

Expéditeur: Damian Lara BA LANGUAGE <[email protected]>
Date: 18 avril 2012 18:44:23 UTC-03:00
Destinataire: Thomas Pimont <[email protected]>
Objet: Rép : my review

Thomas solo una cosa, voy a darte la oportunidad que elimines este articulo, en caso que no lo hagas en 24hs, te iniciaré las acciones judiciales. Por injurias y agresividad.

El 18 de abril de 2012 12:44, Thomas Pimont <[email protected]> escribió:

I am notused to make public comment on internet of my experience when i buy a service,go to a hotel or see a movie. But the way i was treated by this school deservepublicity as it must be quite unusual on the panorama of schools. So i came toBa Language ( ....
"Por injurias y agresividad." this guy is an expert in it. i would add intimidation in his case. thomas.

Hey Thomas, my name is David. I've lived in Buenos Aires for 5 years and have extensive experience dealing with crappy jerk asshole businesses such as this one. I would right back to him and tell him the following "bien a lo Argentino"

Estimado (Name of the idiot who wrote to you):
Primero, te voy a decir que sos un hijo de la gran puta, y te voy a invitar a que vayas a la concha de tu putisima abuela, putisima madre, putas hermanas y putas tias. Andate a cagar en tu mujer, hijos y todos los demás parientes bastardos de mierda que tengas. Ya tengo radicado una denuncia sobre el maltrato y prácticas corruptas a la defensa al consumidor, la fiscalía de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, y a la policia por las amenazas que recibí de parte tuya y de parte de tu bruta y feisima socia reina de la cloaca podrida de las trolas peteras. Ya estás advertido, y te voy a escrachar por la paupérrima excusa que tengas de instituto de idiomas y tu insitiuto podrido va a terminar en bancarrota ya que el escrache va a ser a nivel internacional. Uds. me amenazaron cuando vine a buscar MI PLATA QUE TRATARON DE ROBARME a pesar de mis reclamos, ya que no cumplieron contractualmente con nuestro previo acuerdo. Asi que tu pandillerismo y patoterismo no me viene ni me va, te repito metete tus amenazas de denuncias en el orto de tu madre, abuela, tia, hermana quien queras, sos un pordiosero cagon de kaka de elefante y la concha de la lora!
Buscate una vida mancha de kaka de bombacha vieja de tu abuela la prostituta chorra.
Cordiales Saludos,

I assure you he will never contact or bother you again! Cheers, David
Davidglen77 said:
Cordiales Saludos,

Loved the whole letter (whatever I could understand) but the polite ending is priceless!

And seriously, as Gringoboy said, where is the LOL button?
I think it's important to post something you think is helpful to others, both positive and negative. It's not okay to pitch an online hissy fit over every little inconvenience, but customer service in in BsAs would probably be much better if businesses felt the power of the internet the way they do in the states.

One private school where I had a very good experience with flexible, accomodating, professional service and knowledgeable teachers: Edena

A teacher who gives private lessons who's excellent: Andrea Vespa

I also took a one month intensive at CUI and I think they would probably be excellent for people who are here only a short time and don't have many connections to other people for speaking Spanish. It wasn't the best fit for me, but that was due to my own situation (which I'll explain to anyone who wants to know, but this is getting too long!).

hopefully the guy is following the thread and read David's post--priceless!