Banks Accounts Being Frozen?

dr__dawggy said:
To equate the occupy movement with Argentina's situation when banks assets were frozen is irresponsible.

You might be right - I watch Fox News occasionally and I've learned from them how to spin anything, in any way and in any direction I want.

And the person that called it disingenuous was saying this in reference to a mass arrest not occurring, when in fact there was a mass arrest - but he always gets his shat wrong...
Joe said:
You might be right - I watch Fox News occasionally and I've learned from them how to spin anything, in any way and in any direction I want.

And the person that called it disingenuous was saying there wasn't a mass arrest when in fact there was - but he always gets his shat wrong...

You are obviously referring to me...the only other individual besides you who has quoted Ayn Rand here. That's too bad. No matter what else you ever post here, you are now in company with me.

If I always get my "shat wrong" I challenge you to provide several examples.

You have over 4000 posts to choose from.

If 24 individuals were simply standing in line, patiently waiting to close their accounts there would have been NO arrests.

Do you have an opinion as to who is really behind these protests or what their goals are? What do you think about Illinois Senator Durbin urging the American people to close their accounts with Bank of America? That could have caused a run B of A. Imagine the chaos that would have created...and who would benefit most from it.

Of course if you don't watch FOX news regularly, you probably aren't aware of Senator Durbin's statement.
Maybe I also picked up the habit of gross overstatement from Fox as well.

I apologize, instead of saying you 'always' get your shat wrong, I probably should have just said you 'usually' get your shat wrong.
Joe said:
Maybe I also picked up the habit of gross overstatement from Fox as well.

I apologize, instead of saying you 'always' get your shat wrong, I probably should have just said you 'usually' get your shat wrong.

Your phrase "Mass arrests in the US of people in business attire trying to close bank accounts" was disingenuous because it created a false impression about what actually happened and who was arrested...and you had to know it.

Anyone who clicks on your link will see this heading: NYC Citibank Occupation Arrests.

An individual trying to close an account is vastly different from 24 individuals (acting as a gang) to disrupt and or occupy a matter how anyone is dressed.

I hope you realize that since you (appropriately) quoted Ayn Rand you may now be considered a right winger, too.

Welcome to our side.:p

Here's the Ayn Rand quote (thanks):

Joe said:
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed." Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged
steveinbsas said:
I hope you realize that since you (appropriately) quoted Ayn Rand here you may now be considered a right winger, too.

Back in the day when Republicans were statesmen and intellectuals, like Ike and William F. Buckley Jr., yes - but today with the likes of Palin, Perry, Bush and Cheney, starting unending, unwinnable, unjustified foreign adventures and endless crony capitalist endeavors like Hank Paulson's TARP I would never want to be associated with them... nor I think would Ms. Rand.
Joe said:
Back in the day when Republicans were statesmen and intellectuals, like Ike and William F. Buckley Jr., yes - but today with the likes of Palin, Perry, Bush and Cheney, starting unending, unwinnable, unjustified foreign adventures and endless crony capitalist endeavors like Hank Paulson's TARP I would never want to be associated with them... nor I think would Ms. Rand.

It's interesting that you only mention one current candidate for the Republican nomination (and Perry is at the bottom of my list).

I think Ayn Rand would have been delighted by Sarah Palin and especially Michele Bachman. What "unjustified foreign adventures and endless crony capitalist endeavors" do you attribute to them? Neither of them are 100% "radicals for capitalism" (as Rand was), but Michle Bachman is closer than anyone in your list.

And I'm certain Ayn Rand would have abhorred the biggest crony capitalist of today, the one who previously raised more money from Wall Street donors than anyone else in history: Barack Obama...(who also voted for TARP).

Imagine the criticism and outright ridicule she would have endured if she had ever created a fictional character similar to the current President of the United States!
I'm pretty sure Ms. Rand would have rolled her eyes at the current crop of political candidates on both sides of the spectrum and most of the previous presidents (esp GBII) John Galt they certainly are not.

Although I must admit, I find it fascinating that two posters on such opposite sides of the political spectrum both quoted AR. Strange days indeed.
Nasim Taleb, the "Black Swan" guy, fears that #OWS is going to degenerate into a disastrous class struggle. At the end, Taleb says he thinks it may be too late to prevent this - as I fear as well.

The core of the problem, according to Taleb in this Bloomberg interview, is the mind-boggling banker bonuses. This crony capitalism, which is really socialism for the rich, may have entrenched itself like a terminal cancer in the body politic of the western world.

One of the reasons I fear it may be too late is that instead of talking about fixing this crony capitalism, people, like the members here, blame the protesters and just tell them "to get a job".
Joe said:
Nasim Taleb, the "Black Swan" guy, fears that #OWS is going to degenerate into a disastrous class struggle. At the end, Taleb says he thinks it may be too late to prevent this - as I fear as well.

The core of the problem, according to Taleb in this Bloomberg interview, is the mind-boggling banker bonuses. This crony capitalism, which is really socialism for the rich, may have entrenched itself like a terminal cancer in the body politic of the western world.

One of the reasons I fear it may be too late is that instead of talking about fixing this crony capitalism, people, like the members here, blame the protesters and just tell them "to get a job".

Agree with the core problem---big business and Finance in bed with government. This is a problem that cuts across traditional left vs right, Republican vs Democrats lines. Our founders understood human nature very well..and built in lots of checks and balances to offset the greed and lust for power that exists in all of us. These days though the people we elect to serve our interests serve Wall Street rather than Main Street.

The problem I have with the OWS movement is that rather than addressing the core problem, its stated aims promote the very end you fear--a class struggle. The goals of the movement sound very much like the goals of traditional socialists/communists....

And, while I agree that many of the protesters are victims of social-structural problems, many of the proposed solutions go beyond fixing the underlying social structural problems and promote rewarding those who have made poor choices along the way and now find themselves in houses they cannot afford and with an expensive, useless education financed by loans they cannot repay.

As one who has lived within my means my entire life, I do not believe it is my responsibility to pay for the consequences of those who have lived beyond their means by spending more than they make, choosing majors that have no practical use, and wracking up debt in the forms of loans and maxing out their credit cards.
dr__dawggy said:
Agree with the core problem---big business and Finance in bed with government. This is a problem that cuts across traditional left vs right, Republican vs Democrats lines. Our founders understood human nature very well..and built in lots of checks and balances to offset the greed and lust for power that exists in all of us. These days though the people we elect to serve our interests serve Wall Street rather than Main Street.

The problem I have with the OWS movement is that rather than addressing the core problem, its stated aims promote the very end you fear--a class struggle. The goals of the movement sound very much like the goals of traditional socialists/communists....

And, while I agree that many of the protesters are victims of social-structural problems, many of the proposed solutions go beyond fixing the underlying social structural problems and promote rewarding those who have made poor choices along the way and now find themselves in houses they cannot afford and with an expensive, useless education financed by loans they cannot repay.

As one who has lived within my means my entire life, I do not believe it is my responsibility to pay for the consequences of those who have lived beyond their means by spending more than they make, choosing majors that have no practical use, and wracking up debt in the forms of loans and maxing out their credit cards.

"One of the reasons I fear it may be too late is that instead of talking about fixing this crony capitalism, people, like the members here, blame the protesters and just tell them 'to get a job'."

Another post that pays lip service to the problem of crony capitalism but ends of devoting all it's energy to blaming the little guy.

We have a company like Goldman Sacks that only exists because the American taxpayer saved one of it's major counter-parties (AIG). Goldman Sacks would not exists today if AIG hadn't been bailed out to billions of dollars. And this very same company is paying out billions of dollars in bonuses. And before you say the money was all payed back - it wasn't. This is a gigantic welfare scheme, crony capitalism. Your money to buy golden toilets for rich bankers.

But all we have time for is to blame Joe Six Pack because he got an English Lit degree instead of a Bus. Adm one. jeeez....