Birth Control Pills - Names of Medication

I take Tridestan N, which is a combination of levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol. It was recommended to me by the pharmacist as a substitute for Orthotricyclen Lo, which is what I took in the U.S. I've been taking it for a year and a half now without any problems. It's also very affordable - $20/pack.
thanks Kalley. that's exactly the info I was looking for! really appreciated
actually, looking at this page
under the "hormonals", it looks like Tridestan N has one slightly different ingredient from OrthoTricyclen Lo, while Tridette is exactly the same ingredients and dosages.
going to ask a doc here about this and will post again.
Yes, it's not identical to Orthotricyclen Lo; however, when I consulted with my gyno in the U.S. by phone, she told me the most important thing was to stick with a triphasic pill as opposed to a monophasic one like Yasmin (it's all right if the ingredients are different). She gave me the OK to switch to the Tridestan N, and as I said, I've been perfectly happy with it. I don't think Tridette is offered at my pharmacy because it was not suggested as an option (I talked things over with the pharmacist as well, who was very helpful). Good luck!
I suggest you to read the prospect carefully, as some pills protect since the first month you take them, and others protect since the second month. You dont want a surprise!!
Thanks so much everyone for your replies. I've been off the pill for a year or so (giving the dear body a bit of a break) so i didn't bring an old packet to show the pharmacy.

But i might pop in and get some Tridestan N - thanks for that Kalley.

Really appreciate everyone's help, going to be a bit of a change being back on the pill again ;-)
I just wanted to put in my two cents about the copper IUD. I'm a women's health provider in the US (I'm planning a 3-6 month stay in BA-- so that's who I'm nosing around these boards).

It's excellent birth control without the worry of hormonal effects. Insertion can be painful, especially if you've never had a baby before. But there are some good medications to take prior to insertion (not just pain medications but one in particular to help soften and open up your cervix). So definitely ask about that.

A well placed IUD is highly effective and essentially worry free for 10 years.
No-one has mentioned Diva Total (ridiculous name, I know) but from what I understand it's one of the lowest dosages out there. I've never had a problem.