Blonde small girl in Buenos Aires. How dangerous will it be for me??

Hi Johanna

You'll be fine. I know Barcelona well, and its a different vibe.

My other half is small blonde girl, worst thats happened is that people sometimes shout things in the street. Choose a nice place to live, hang out in nice places with nice people and you can pretty much shut creepy people out of your life.

Good luck with your move
Good luck Johannasah, enjoy your stay and have fun, be safe and don't forget to pack in the suggested burka dress just in case the natives indians get to exited....and this is not a joke.
Well, when little Joanna gets here we'll all have to go out to dinner where we can verify that she isn't a troll. But she won't mind. All we'll have to do is lift up her dress, take a little peek, and she'll feel right at home.
As far as taxis...waving them down on the street alone at night is dangerous!! My bf is porteño and he is always on me about that. ALWAYS call or have the place call a radio taxi for you and keep a number for one handy. Last year a serial rapist taxi driver was finally caught..his victims included an English girl, who waved him outside of a well known club called Kika..she was only 10 blocks from home. Anotehr was a girl from Costa Rica.

I am half mexican, morrocha morrocha, speak fluent, kinda blend in, I too get all the nasty comments in the street. But I have to say I have never been in a situation in which I felt threatened or in danger but the shiz does go down. Good thing I never had to use the pepper spray;))

Although petty crime in BA is on the rise and violence in the villas and is as safe as any other big city and pretty safe to walk alone at night in the more popular neigborhooods, palermo, las cañitas, belgrano, etc.Just OJO with teh taxistas!
8 pages, lol.

My gf has lived in Barcelona 2 years and 8 months here and she says it's pretty much the same. They didn't leave her alone when she was pregnant even. Hope that helps and welcome to Buenos Aires.
Don't worry. this town is full of small blondes, fake or not. Just act responsibly in you'll be fine.