Bravo Argentina

You know, I have been fairly impressed with the way things went, since pretty much the first debate, when things came out between the candidates directly in public (which, to me, set Scioli's attitude in plain sight, no matter what excuse he gave to not be there), as to how they behaved, the format the debates followed, etc. The election went well, except for that funky delay in reporting, but given the state of things in the country, the increasing number of people that are being impacted, I'd expected the vote to be close enough for a run-off, but maybe just barely, or maybe not quite. And except for Cristina breaking the veda, those involved behaved themselves for the most part.

As an aside, Cristina probably couldn't lose doing that - if Scioli'd won, he wouldn't have done anything about it and now that Macri has won, he doesn't care - he probably wants her to not pop up in any kind of martyr role to offset him revealing what state the country really is - assuming he does it and assuming it's in the state many think - and blames the state of things on her.

Now that Macri has won, it just seems too quiet. Heh. I had been thinking that Scioli and Cristina would have put up more of a fight, or something, I don't know. I guess I really didn't know what I thought I should expect, to tell the truth.

I guess I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop. Cristina comes forward with a truck-load of ballots claiming that Macri substituted the real ones (hers) with false ones somehow. I don't know.

I guess I expected too little from the Argentine people and feared too much what Cristina would do to keep her project going.
no more 678.... all of them looking for jobs

For supporting the party of "happiness" with yellow ballons, you seems to have too much hate.

This was an election, not a soccer match neither a coup.

I conglatulate the military party for acchieving power by first time since 1916 by popular voted instead of by tanks or bombing plaza de mayo with civilians in it.

I only hope that all my fears about Macri are wrong.

For all those who think that Macri racism is only for bolivians, i remember you that the class action for xenophobia against him was for the discrimination of 2 Americans, 1 canadian and 1 Irish women.
not so happy the difference is less than 2 %...¿¿ jajaj

Almost 3% - 51.4 to 48.6 = 2.8%.

Yeah, still not a great margin, but I'm sure too many people just couldn't find it in them to vote for the devil himself even when his opponent was the queen of mischievous faeries...
Almost 3% - 51.4 to 48.6 = 2.8%.

Yeah, still not a great margin, but I'm sure too many people just couldn't find it in them to vote for the devil himself even when his opponent was the queen of mischievous faeries...

Well, don't be pesimist, this is the first time in history they got the Presidency in elections without tanks! This is good for institutions.

However, we'll se what happends now because the power in Congress remains in the oposition (former oficialism) and there the yellow ballons, Super bionica and the hapiness speach doesn't work out.

Well see how Macri uses the veto power now that after 2 approvals of the Congress, the veto can be by passed.

My prediction is that he is going to use administrative law (like he already did in the city) to rule like dictators did in the past, by passing the Congress.
For supporting the party of "happiness" with yellow ballons, you seems to have too much hate.

This was an election, not a soccer match neither a coup.

I conglatulate the military party for acchieving power by first time since 1916 by popular voted instead of by tanks or bombing plaza de mayo with civilians in it.

I only hope that all my fears about Macri are wrong.

For all those who think that Macri racism is only for bolivians, i remember you that the class action for xenophobia against him was for the discrimination of 2 Americans, 1 canadian and 1 Irish women.
Your jefa was openly against all ¨blondes¨ if I am correct. Military party? wtf ? You keep buying the old 70´s crap.
Your jefa was openly against all ¨blondes¨ if I am correct. Military party? wtf ? You keep buying the old 70´s crap.

I have no boss.

If you don't understand it, that's ok, but i described a fact:

As I posted before, Palazzo is the star lawyer of Macri specialized in administrative law and he wrote a book called "las normas constitucionales del proceso de reorganizacion nacional".

Palazzo stategy of making it an administrative issue is because in that law is where people has less chances to use the defend right. It is also a coward strategy because he should sign a decree to dismiss workers and pay the compensations and the political cost.
I have no boss.

If you don't understand it, that's ok, but i described a fact:

As I posted before, Palazzo is the star lawyer of Macri specialized in administrative law and he wrote a book called "las normas constitucionales del proceso de reorganizacion nacional".

Palazzo stategy of making it an administrative issue is because in that law is where people has less chances to use the defend right. It is also a coward strategy because he should sign a decree to dismiss workers and pay the compensations and the political cost.

I am not pro military govcernments and I do not support noquis. I don't want to pay for noquis with my taxes. All the formal naming of thousands of workers is a bomb they have just set on purpose. Sorry again I do not support noquis. And all Ks and camporistas refer to CFK as La Jefa. Because that is her role.
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