Britain Strengthens Falklands Defense

What surprises me is that the public in the UK is fooled with this nationalist rubbish exactly as in Argentina.
Cameron has lots of problems on his own, instead of addressing those he plays the nationalist card and spends billions to strengthen a Navy which should defend the last remains of a long-gone empire...the last remains of that decaying empire being the Malvinas/Falklands.

Well said. The reality is that Cameron and Cristina have formed an "alliance" of sorts, to keep they electorate distracted. The Royal Navy, who risks facing severe budget cuts is more than happy to oblige and take up a role on this farce in order to secure funds for more toys. The only fools in this story are the tax payers in both countries.
Well said. The reality is that Cameron and Cristina have formed an "alliance" of sorts, to keep they electorate distracted. The Royal Navy, who risks facing severe budget cuts is more than happy to oblige and take up a role on this farce in order to secure funds for more toys. The only fools in this story are the tax payers in both countries.
Yes indeed! The oldest trick in the politician's book.
Last remains of that decaying empire???where you been for the last 30 years,the empire ended long ago when they stopped putting "empire made" on the label in me underpants!!The brazil bloke on about the fools are the taxpayers,I'll go along with that
as are the same in every country worldwide.I read the poor Yankees are shelling out 28million us daily in reconstruction and rebuilding in arfgoonistan so you are spot on mate,we are all fools.Apart from you cause you won't be paying tax on smuggling activities.hehe.
For a start Cameron didn't answer CFK directly, neither did he write any letter or try to pass her one.
If you check your facts, it was CFK who tried in vain to pass on a letter to Cameron, which he rightly refused.
As I see it, the referendum for the Falkland Islanders in March will be a watershed moment, but not the end of the dispute as CFK will ensure its continuation because she needs the nationalist sentiment that her every action or utterance on this issue guarantees.
Also it would be logical to assume that around referendum time, the water will get hotter still and I believe that the British government has taken entirely the correct stance politically and militarily.
Sabaton's tribute to the historical events of the Falkland conflict. I saw most of those images as a kid in Brazil, when they were first broadcasted as the war raged on.
Lol is a little stecky the song, speacially the part back in control, they put some images that shouldn't go in the song like the boat sunked by exocet missiles, they were english boats not argentines lol
Lol is a little stecky the song, speacially the part back in control, they put some images that shouldn't go in the song like the boat sunked by exocet missiles, they were english boats not argentines lol

I don't think it was done by mistake. You can't make it look like a cake walk.
For a start Cameron didn't answer CFK directly, neither did he write any letter or try to pass her one.
If you check your facts, it was CFK who tried in vain to pass on a letter to Cameron, which he rightly refused.
As I see it, the referendum for the Falkland Islanders in March will be a watershed moment, but not the end of the dispute as CFK will ensure its continuation because she needs the nationalist sentiment that her every action or utterance on this issue guarantees.
Also it would be logical to assume that around referendum time, the water will get hotter still and I believe that the British government has taken entirely the correct stance politically and militarily.

I concede the letter story was the other way around, I was mistaken. But Cameron was the one who approached Cristina on that G20 last year and felt he had to demonstrate who was the macho in town. Pretty childish too.

The referendum is a farce. Whenever I hear a politician -Cameron being one of them- mention such words as 'self-determination', 'human rights', 'democracy' or 'protection of the environment' I am automatically sure they are trying to manipulate things to justify something unjustifiable.
The World would be a much better place if they would really mean it every time they pronounce those words. If Cameron wants self-determination, go ahead. But for all, not more double moral please.
The referendum is a farce.

Why is it a farce?

I wouldn't be so worried about the Argentine armed forces but I would be more worries about their pals in Venezuela.
I wouldn't be surprised if Miss K is trying to drag them into it with a promise of shared oil.