HA-san, your questions actually raise a few more questions:
Question: If and build my living quarter outside of gret Buenos Aires, there and possibly live 6 month out of a year.
Are you also still considering opening a sushi joint in Capital Federal as you ask these questions?
Do you have someone you trust well enough to run your shusi joint six months of the year or is it going to be a one man operation with you doing everything?
If you close it six months of the year will your employees be entitled to severance pay?
Can I rent my property easily to anyone there? If not able to rent it out, how is the security be enhanced so not be robbed ?
It might be possible to rent you property or six months of the year, but it is far more likely you will have to pay someone to stay there while you do not. You will also have to hope they will be willing to leave when you want them out.
If you ever let a couple (or single woman) with a minor child stay there while you are gone you may never get back in.
An unoccupied rural or semi-rural property (especially one that is owned by a foreigner) is first likely to be stripped of all contents, including the light fixtures and even the bathroom hardware. Then, unless they are lucky enough to get there before the "strippers," the squatters will move in.
What will be the best way to combat off the thieves ?
First and second: Make them believe you are home when you are not and have a gun even if you don't.
Also: Live there year round (sleeping in the house 365 nights per year with a machete, mace and/or stun gun next to your bed), have an alarm that the neighbors can hear, drive an old car, don't spend much money (especially on new construction), and look as much like a local as possible.
Live next door to another expat who does.