Bus Robbery

you, sir. are clearly an idiot.

Did you actually reread what dribble you posted prior to learning that there was a "post" button? WTF do you actually know about guns and or ammo??? I add more than an assumption, absolutely nothing!, you ignorant twat!

Are you just trolling, or are you ignorant of the actual laws in Switzerland?

Militia members in Switzerland are issued either a pistol or rifle- and a sealed can of ammunition. The ammunition can must remain sealed. The weapon must be kept under lock and key. Unauthorized use of the ammunition OR the weapon, and that would include home defense, is a military crime, punishable by military justice. There has been talk of a recent law change to require the ammunition to be stored at a central armory- I am not sure if that was defeated in the recent gun vote there or not.

It is illegal to transport a loaded weapon in Switzerland. The Militia guns can only be transported to and from training or the range- unloaded- carrying one in your car all the time would, again, be punishable by military justice.
Private ownership of weapons in Switzerland requires a permit, and a second permit is required to carry a weapon, usually only issued in cases of provable need - security guard, for example.

So, I would repeat- a locked gun, without ammo, is not a deterrent to crime.

Please explain to me how that makes me an idiot and an ignorant twat.
You might disagree with me, and that's fine. But to call me a liar because your opinion happens to differ from mine you must be a complete idiot. Grow up, will you?
Definitely not your mate.

Sorry matie ;) but you are just trying to scare the hell out of people by posting, well, what you are posting...
Well i don't think that parque patricio is not even near to be one of the safest lol, i'm mainly at day there but at night i will probably go around more aware than how i do in any of the north capital neighborhoods. Still i'm not so afraid of this city as lot of people apear to be, but don't think neither that the tech distric is that safe of a place at night at least

Well, a year ago it was very unsafe. Now we've got gerdarmeria, prefectura, comisaria 32, and a couple of months ago Macri inagurated the comisaria metropolitana. But you know better than me, even if I lived here most of my life and witness all the changes in the neighborood.
One last comment and then I leave. Mulderfox is right: "dogs work better in groups. 2 dogs are better than one." One of my friends in Dade County, Florida, had problems with break-ins in his business. He got himself a vicious dog. No problem for the robbers. Like I said, a dog is easily defeated if you are depending on the dog for more than alarm.

Then he got a second dog. Still no problem for the robbers. He told me the third dog stopped the problems. Three dobermans is a little much to brave. I wouldn't trust the safety of my family to a dog alone. But . . . to each his own. .
Sorry matie ;) but you are just trying to scare the hell out of people by posting, well, what you are posting...

If you must consider that personal opinions, not offered as facts, that do not even disagree with yours but are simply different than your german GF and excreting hounds experience are designed to "scare the hell out of people" then you must be painfully stupid. Please consider this a fact and not a personal opinion..

Your GF probably deserves better. Do us all a favor and avoid having kids, mate..
If you must consider that personal opinions, not offered as facts, that do not even disagree with yours but are simply different than your german GF and excreting hounds experience are designed to "scare the hell out of people" then you must be painfully stupid. Please consider this a fact and not a personal opinion..

Your GF probably deserves better. Do us all a favor and avoid having kids, mate..

Thanks everyone for the interesting posts !! Lot's of good idea's and opinions. I will not weigh in on particular views , but for me ,I will defend myself and my family with due force.

Guns don't kill people , people kill people.
Forks make people fat.
Pencils misspell words.
Cars crash on their own.

But having guns makes it so much easier to kill people. Its not just the criminals that are using guns, just consider the stats on domestic deaths by firearms. In countries without them, virtually zero, in the US.... But I'm not getting into this argument, its an old one and nobody is going to be convinced by it until some child in their family picks up a gun in the house and kills another family member, and maybe not even then. Dysfunctional societies like Argentina and the US may find a use for widespread personal gun ownership, and automatic rifles and so on, but the rest of the civilised world gets on very happily without them thanks.
I think in multiple layers of defense. (might seem overkill to some people, but works for us)

1. We picked an apartment based upon the neighborhood: no quick escape access streets, the portero, the video camera at the entrance, not on the first, second, or third floor, the locks on the doors, and no easy rear access to the building.

2. (When we had one) our dog was trained by me. He would bark at a particular person on the street with a simple finger gesture from me. He was trained to give three quick LOUD barks at any noise from either our doors or windows then look at me for the next move. I regularly staged "break-ins" with one of my friends who worked for SWAT canine. Once he got the "go" signal he would attack. Samson got a REALLY big treat when he attacked the perp "with enthusiam." My wife and kids were trained in how to handle him, as well. He responded to attack commands from all of us. And, was one of the most loving, caring, best friends I've ever had. Am trying to work out getting another one to train.

3. I am armed, am trained in how to clear my house at night, and know how to hit what I'm shooting at. My wife is armed, is trained in how to clear our house at night, and can shoot almost as well as I can (some days better).

4. My kids know how to effectively defend themselves (they are 8 and 12). They have access to knives in the house (not firearms, yet). They know hold to hold them properly for a fight and are trained in how to fight with them. They are also trained on how to respond to an intruder being in the house. I pity the thief who thinks because they are "little kids" they won't be a problem.

5. We have a motion-activated security system in our apartment. Brought it from the US. We lock down the main living room and front door of the apartment at night. Everyone knows what to do, and we run drills, in the case the alarm goes off. We all practice calling the police in the middle of the night.

6. We twist keys in all of the locks at night so no-one can push them out from outside the door.

I might have missed somethings but that covers most of it.

Semper Fi

When I read this I thought wow admirable...and then...sad...sad that human beings have to live like this in a country where the govt says crime is only a sensation!
There is a higher risk of death through medical malpractice than being killed by improper handling of firearms. Actually quite higher.

When criminals are aware that they may be met with deadly force , they are less likely to use force them selfs.

Remember the Cold War ? Mutual assured destruction ? Was this not conceived by the world's 2 great civilized countries ?
ElQuesto, I'm sorry to hear what happened. I hope your bro in law and the others on the bus recover from this.

I see there's a lot of talk about guns, tasers and so on here as a means of defence, fair enough. But what worries me is that contributors are not asking why this happens? From your description of teenagers involved I'd say you have a rather vibrant drug and gang culture there, it's the same here, although I must admit even my clients couldn't have thought of such an audacious target as a bus! Sad to say but governments, regardless of their country of origin or political persuasion seem impotent to deal with this level of violence. Until governments make a concerted effort to confront sociey with punitive measures to tackle this issue head on violence of this nature will continue.