In my opinion these things come down to point of view. For example, when I first came here I worked at a company for a year. There was a very sweet and attractive young lady who worked with me named Naty. Her nickname (between the men in the office) was "Naty Pomelos" in other words "Natalie Grapefruits" (this was due to her large round boobies if you hadn't picked up on this). When she learned of this, she was delighted. Daily, the guys would go to the store at lunchtime, and buy a bag of grapefruits and leave them on her desk, sometimes, grapefruit soda, grapefruit candy, one guy even found a stuffed toy grapefruit and hung it from the back of her chair. Everybody participated in this including the other girls who then named themselves after fruits as well, there was Romina Sandia, Maria Pia Melón, and Marina Durazno. Nobody seemed to feel abused or offended about this. I worked at a huge corporation (100,000 employees) when I lived in New York City and if ANY of that kind of stuff happened there, everyone would have been fired, sued and put on a sexual offender list. So again, do I agree with the Naty Pomelo stuff, NO, to me it seemed abusive, however she herself loved the attention, the nickname and the other girls loved it so much they named themselves after fruits too. And thats not the end, there were conversations over lunch about penis size, vagina depth, best sex hotels, ribbed vs. smooth condoms, and other stuff with I used to get red in the face over! Go figure!