Hi everyone. Looking for advice/comments.
I understand that to take the Tienda Leon bus from Mar del Plata to EZE to catch my flight back to the states (I hope) I am supposed to fill out an online form to request a certificado de circulation for “único habilitante”
First, you select whether or not you have an Argentina DNI. (I have a US passport and Argentina extranjero DNI). If you go the “Have DNI” route, a required field to fill is CUIL number. I don’t have a CUIL so I tried generating it on the government’s website with my DNI, but it failed to work. (In that case one’s supposed to request it in person at any ANSES location.)
Rather than bother with that, I was thinking to select “Do not have DNI”. In that case the form is simpler: you enter your foreign passport info, and the first travel purpose listed is “getting to border or airport”. No need for CUIL.
Anyone see any problem, or have recent experience, going the “Do not have DNI” route? Or just leaving the CUIL field blank on the “Have DNI” option?
I understand that to take the Tienda Leon bus from Mar del Plata to EZE to catch my flight back to the states (I hope) I am supposed to fill out an online form to request a certificado de circulation for “único habilitante”

Certificado de circulación - coronavirus COVID-19
Información sobre tu certificado
First, you select whether or not you have an Argentina DNI. (I have a US passport and Argentina extranjero DNI). If you go the “Have DNI” route, a required field to fill is CUIL number. I don’t have a CUIL so I tried generating it on the government’s website with my DNI, but it failed to work. (In that case one’s supposed to request it in person at any ANSES location.)
Rather than bother with that, I was thinking to select “Do not have DNI”. In that case the form is simpler: you enter your foreign passport info, and the first travel purpose listed is “getting to border or airport”. No need for CUIL.
Anyone see any problem, or have recent experience, going the “Do not have DNI” route? Or just leaving the CUIL field blank on the “Have DNI” option?