Certificado de Domicilio/Declaración Jurada de Domicilio


Apr 5, 2019
Hi all,
Can anyone advise on getting a certificado de domicilio to submit with my application for permanent residence? I'm in Escobar. One can no longer these by going to the local police station. I was told I had to go the website for the Provincia de Buenos Aires, Registro de las Personas: https://www.gba.gob.ar/registrodela...-VW-NMQgqpD9YUlOZT8Ca2Pn9OycQ-o4qwHXDD719dzbw.

You can request a declaracion jurada de domicilio online, but only if you already have a DNI. When I try to reserve an appointment in person on the website, there are no appointments for any municipality in Gran Buenos Aires. Although it is possible to make an in-person appointment in other cities in the provincia, you must make the appointment in the municipality where you live. I wrote to them in August and they told me that in-person appointments would only be available in phases 4 and 5. So I waited until yesterday, when the metropolitan area moved from phase 3 to phase 4--from isolation to distancing--and checked again. Still no in-person appointments available in Escobar or any other municipality in GBA. I wrote to them again and they gave me some line about how one's residency status would be extended until the end of the isolation period ("Todos los certificados de residencia prorrogan su plazo de vencimiento hasta finalizado el aislamiento social."). So they didn't answer my question nor did they acknowledge that I live in a part of the country no longer in an isolation phase.

Anyone know a way around this? Some other way to get the document immigration requires? I would really like to get my DNI so that I'm no longer dependent on my husband (Argentine citizen) for everything, and so that I can leave the country if necessary without fear of being denied admission on my return. Thanks in advance!
Hi all,
Can anyone advise on getting a certificado de domicilio to submit with my application for permanent residence? I'm in Escobar. One can no longer these by going to the local police station. I was told I had to go the website for the Provincia de Buenos Aires, Registro de las Personas: https://www.gba.gob.ar/registrodela...-VW-NMQgqpD9YUlOZT8Ca2Pn9OycQ-o4qwHXDD719dzbw.

You can request a declaracion jurada de domicilio online, but only if you already have a DNI. When I try to reserve an appointment in person on the website, there are no appointments for any municipality in Gran Buenos Aires. Although it is possible to make an in-person appointment in other cities in the provincia, you must make the appointment in the municipality where you live. I wrote to them in August and they told me that in-person appointments would only be available in phases 4 and 5. So I waited until yesterday, when the metropolitan area moved from phase 3 to phase 4--from isolation to distancing--and checked again. Still no in-person appointments available in Escobar or any other municipality in GBA. I wrote to them again and they gave me some line about how one's residency status would be extended until the end of the isolation period ("Todos los certificados de residencia prorrogan su plazo de vencimiento hasta finalizado el aislamiento social."). So they didn't answer my question nor did they acknowledge that I live in a part of the country no longer in an isolation phase.

Anyone know a way around this? Some other way to get the document immigration requires? I would really like to get my DNI so that I'm no longer dependent on my husband (Argentine citizen) for everything, and so that I can leave the country if necessary without fear of being denied admission on my return. Thanks in advance!
In CABA they do it. Give an address in CABA of a friend.
I got one this week...easily. In Recoleta. I went to the police station and they visited me the next day.
Sadly the police don’t do the declaraciones juradas anymore in GBA. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told.

I have a number of in-laws with addresses in CABA that I could use but I can’t hang out at their homes until the police decide to visit. Especially during the pandemia. Did they tell you when they were going to stop by?
Hi all,
Can anyone advise on getting a certificado de domicilio to submit with my application for permanent residence? I'm in Escobar. One can no longer these by going to the local police station. I was told I had to go the website for the Provincia de Buenos Aires, Registro de las Personas: https://www.gba.gob.ar/registrodela...-VW-NMQgqpD9YUlOZT8Ca2Pn9OycQ-o4qwHXDD719dzbw.

You can request a declaracion jurada de domicilio online, but only if you already have a DNI. When I try to reserve an appointment in person on the website, there are no appointments for any municipality in Gran Buenos Aires. Although it is possible to make an in-person appointment in other cities in the provincia, you must make the appointment in the municipality where you live. I wrote to them in August and they told me that in-person appointments would only be available in phases 4 and 5. So I waited until yesterday, when the metropolitan area moved from phase 3 to phase 4--from isolation to distancing--and checked again. Still no in-person appointments available in Escobar or any other municipality in GBA. I wrote to them again and they gave me some line about how one's residency status would be extended until the end of the isolation period ("Todos los certificados de residencia prorrogan su plazo de vencimiento hasta finalizado el aislamiento social."). So they didn't answer my question nor did they acknowledge that I live in a part of the country no longer in an isolation phase.

Anyone know a way around this? Some other way to get the document immigration requires? I would really like to get my DNI so that I'm no longer dependent on my husband (Argentine citizen) for everything, and so that I can leave the country if necessary without fear of being denied admission on my return. Thanks in advance!

Migraciones will accept your application without a Cert de Domicilio. When you submit your application in the field where you upload it, include a personal handwritten note in spanish, "I Oaktown, with domicilio in...., was not able procure the cert de dom due to the "cuarentena"... I will bring it during the cita presencial". Migraciones will accept that. Just bring it when you have your interview. Alternatively, if you have a cellphone bill with your name or address on it that will work too.
Migraciones will accept your application without a Cert de Domicilio. When you submit your application in the field where you upload it, include a personal handwritten note in spanish, "I Oaktown, with domicilio in...., was not able procure the cert de dom due to the "cuarentena"... I will bring it during the cita presencial". Migraciones will accept that. Just bring it when you have your interview. Alternatively, if you have a cellphone bill with your name or address on it that will work too.
That’s great. Thank you!
cert of domicilio is easy..applied for one at a Palermo police stn..they said will take 10 work days. zero fees.
cert of domicilio is easy..applied for one at a Palermo police stn..they said will take 10 work days. zero fees.
Yes I got one today. Stopped by the police station in Soho yesterday evening, had it delivered today at 10. This is the 5th time I get one from them and they always deliver within 1-2 days. But ymmv depending on the comisaría — the one on Scalabrini is very efficient. Last year got one from the comisaría on Santa Fe. Waited 3 weeks they never came. Went to ask and they had forgotten — the guy just gave it to me on the spot.
the one on Scalabrini is very efficient.

You mean the one next to Plaza Italia subte station?

Last year got one from the comisaría on Santa Fe. Waited 3 weeks they never came. - which one?

perhaps will go to Soho. Address please?