CFK and ÉL


Jan 18, 2012
Not to sound insensitive to the loss of a loved one, but does anyone else who follows Argentine politics find it severely annoying how CFK mentions her deceased husband every chance she gets and refers to him as ¨EL¨ often in all caps as if we were talking about a devine being?

5 minutes ago on her Facebook:

¨Yo quería hablar mucho de él hoy porque necesito hablar de él, es un poco hablar de la historia nuestra, de los argentinos. Era un hombre que lo fácil lo aburría, por eso creo que me eligió a mí de mujer, y toda tarea que le demandara esfuerzos, desafíos a sí mismo…, creo que él se desafiaba a sí mismo, a veces lo hacía tan intensamente que poco a poco le fueron pasando cosas, pero era un hombre que se desafiaba a sí mismo y así logró transformaciones que eran impensadas e impensables.¨

This sounds like a eulogy, even though the man has been dead for over a year. I also do not understand why she insists on dressing in funeral garb every single day. No one grieves THAT much over someone, it is almost theatrical and Shakespearean and almost makes me feel like I am watching a drama film and not the local news.
It sounds to me like continually lionising Néstor is integral to the maintenance of her power.
YanquiGallego, i TOTALLY agree with you. it`s really annoying. However, as cheap as this soap opera production is, it seems to work with 54% of the voters. that`s why she keeps on doing that "poor old widow" performance.
without the deceased "El" she probably wouldn`t have had such a landslide election, or wouldn`t have been elected at she thanks "EL", or GOD?
and, by the way, i`m also really annoyed that she takes every opportunity to stand next to an Evita picture/logo.
a week ago, or so, she said she prefers living in reality, not in Disneyland, because in Disneyland everything is fake...but I think she created her own Disneyland/Argentina, that`s getting more and more fake and disillusional...
people, please wake up!!!
the "...y EL!!!!" drives me crazy and I have been known to throw things at the tv when I hear it! I think she has enough support on her own now to drop that (and by support I mean that for lack of options, the people will vote for her / support her over complete insecurity / collapse of any govt formed of opposition coalitions).
I guess all countries have their thing though, I can't watch USA politicians talking, the flags, the balloons, the people standing behind the speaker applauding at the right places,....
In NZ our 'thing' is that the prime minister is one of us. He'll be talking with his broadest kiwi accent, probably seen at some point with shirt sleeves rolled up 'working', a real down to earth 'bloke'.
I also do not understand why she insists on dressing in funeral garb every single day. No one grieves THAT much over someone..

Whilst I so agree on the excessive use of her victimhood as a widow to woo the elctorate I can say that when you truly love someone and they die you will grieve for the rest of your life and I believe her love for her husband was and is real..if maybe a little idealized in his death. My own grandmother wore black for over 2 years after my grandfather's death - by choice not by cultural pressure. To love that deeply is a blessing so I put my cynicism aside and salute her for that reason!
This si probably the worst administration the argentineans have had since Peron´s second term. And the worst thing is, the population being so ignorant, the Kirchners have installed the notion that all of the economic revamp of the last decade has taken place THANKS to them, when the truth is that the soaring prices of commodities -Argentina´s main export- of the last decade have been responsible for the soaring economy of the country. Argentina has grown IN SPITE of the Kirchner administration, not thanks to them.
If my wife dead, I would not be over it in a year, and we have only been together for three years. I can't imagine how long it would take me to get over the loss after being together for 30 years (or however long they were married). In fact, its not something that you can ever really get over.

But I agree, it does seem to be a political ploy and it gets annoying.