I read it and have read his column for a few years. I did not see all the errors you speak of. Could you point them out? Yes, the style is rambling. Neilsen can be that way too. I believe most of the Herald's writers, even the proud Anglo-Argentines, think in Spanish. Despite the rambling nature of the article, I got something out of it. I always find Gamarrotta's columns informative. He writes a weekly analysis of the news so he HAS to cover a lot. The purpose is not to stick to one topic but to analyze the major events of the week. The Herald has a limited budget and there is not a big pool of knowledgeable, bilingual people around who can write in English on Argentine politics and economics. Someone who has lived all his life in Argentina is likely to have a different perspective from a young person out from England or the US for a couple of years and I personally am interested in that. Gambarrotta's writing is a lot better than I see from many official translators and better than some emails I have seen from the US embassy. A recent US embassy notice referred to the last demonstration as a "manifestation"!