Cfk And The Argentine Street

I would not go so far as to say terrible. I don't recall a single grammatical mistake in his article. I read a small part of the article you cited and found one outrageous mistake. Agreed that Gambarrotta lacks clarity of style. As I said, I have to consider the context. English lanuage skills are generally poor among Argentines. it's hard to find a local writer who both understands economics / politics and can handle English at an advanced level. It's especially ironic that Anglo-Argentines (they are the last major ethnic community to preserve their own language) have begun to lose their English fluency - and just at the time that the world has globalized! Those in their 70's and 80's speak well, though in a rather fossilized way, however younger Anglo-Argentines can be pretty rusty - or worse. I'm afraid if we want to read in English we have to take what we can get. The Herald is the only English language daily. With a limited budget and no real competition, they are not under pressure to improve. I always suggest that readers buy the Sunday Herald which has a lot of New York Times pieces and features that make the paper a better value than the Monday-Saturday editions.