CFK guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment

I have no doubt that there is corruption everywhere, in every govt, in every country of the world. I also know it's all not as blatant as that of the Ks, that the types of more subtle corruption practices alluded to by Antipodean and Quilombo exist.

I read the papers everyday, so I know about things like the supposed spying by Macri's govt, the questionable ethics of Vidal's gestapo, and yes, Alby, how very corrupt that trip and those chats look. I read Pagni's article in La Nación in which he takes on not only Alberto for doing something he said he'd never do, engage in illegal espionage, but also questions if Juntos is really different?

Even having said all that, I still don't see that the level of corruption of Macri's govt rises to the level of that if the K govts. Néstor and Cristina both were accused of illegal espionage and had corrupted part of the judiciary (Oyarbide). And let's not forget the billon dollars they and their accomplices stole.
I conflated corruption and crime in my last post because for me corruption involves some sort of monetary gain. Another poster had used the word corruption to refer to all crimes committed by govts, so I just went with that.

I don't see any proof that Maci's govt was as corrupt in terms of monetary gain as the Ks, and to say but of course they were, we just don't know exactly how, or that they were more subtle is to be cynical.

Maybe Macri's govt did engage in some of the same crimes (illegal espionage, for example) as the Ks, but I still find it hard to believe that they did it at the same level. The most rancid, repugnant pus characterized so much of what the Ks did. Want to talk about their (continuing) support of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. They just agreed to grant asylum to a corrupt Ecuadorian official.
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I think most people agree: the type/style was different and the scale much greater under the Ks. On the scale though, that is only logical given they have been in power much much longer than Juntos was.
Sentence just came down, further details can be found here:

There's still appeals she can make, and she has immunity from prison at least for another year, so we'll see where things go from here.
So there's hope for Argentina after all. This event is huge...the fact that it happened under her own government speaks volumes.
The ruling comes with the caveat that after being found guilty of a crime she is permanently barred from holding public office.
But we still don't have the millions (billions ?) that they pocketed during their 12 years of "service".
So now I would like to suggest that the local court implement a "whistle blower law" like the one they have in the US.
How it works is anybody who knows where the stolen money is can collect 10% of the recovered loot.
There's a lot of stolen $$$ out there somewhere, with a 10% reward money on the table should get tongues wagging.
I think this could be the beginning of the end of the K legacy.
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Should the US take sanctions against CFK and also the Argentina Government ? Comments from the Miami Herald article by A, Oppenheimer

"After Tuesday’s court verdict against Fernandez de Kirchner, there are growing calls — mostly from right-wing Republicans, but also from key Democrats — to seek distance from her and perhaps, by extension, from the country’s government. Congressman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, who is likely to become chairman of the House of Representatives’ foreign affairs committee when the new Congress convenes in January, is already asking for U.S. sanctions against Argentina’s vice-president."

In addition CFK will be 70 next February and eligible for house detention.
A girl’s gotta retire sooner or later, and a nice big house with a lake view in Calafate probably doesn’t make a bad place to serve time retire.
Yebbut didn't the judgement include expropriation of the Santa Cruz property portfolio to recover some 300 million of the missing billion? That apartment in CABA doesn't look quite so appealing.