Changing address on DNI


Jun 6, 2005
Could someone tell me how I can change the address on my DNI and get a new DNI reflecting the change? Thanks.
Assuming you have permanent residency, my best advice is to go to the registro that has jurisdiction where you are now living. Hopefully, they will take care of it and you won't have to go to the registro for foreigners with temporary residency (assuming that would be a bigger PITA).
Based off my experience, you'll need to make an appointment online for the Registry (I believe its on Yrigoyen) and go with a Certificado de Domicilio - which you can get by going to the Comisaria which corresponds to your address - and pay a minimal fee.
Yes permanent. Do I make the appointment before going to the police to get the Certificado de Domicilio? And if so do you know what the website is? Can I do this on my own or do I need help?
Where you have to go will be determined by where you live. If you live in C.A.B.A. (Aka Capital Federal) it looks like you have to go to the Registro ay Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 952, if that is the only location that can make the change of address and issue a new tarjeta for foreigners even if they have permanent residency.

Here is the website:

Since you already have permanent residency it looks like you may be able to do this closer to where you live in C.A.B.A. at one of the locations you can find by scrolling down the page and clicking on oficinas de Renaper.

That will take you to:

The website does not indicate that a certificado de domicilo is required (at least I did not see that) but that doesn't mean it isn't! How else can you prove your new address?

Assuming that you'll need one, I suggest that you get the new certificado domicilo from the police before you make the appointment (turno).

If you live in Buenos Aires (aka La Provencia de Buenos Aires) you will have to go to the delegación o centro de documentación closest to your domicilio.

Here is the website:

After you go to the site click on DNI/passport

Then click on nuevo ejemplar, then donde puedo realizar el tramite, and then click on turnos online.

Then follow the prompts to reserve your turn and make the payment online. Be sure to print the receipt for the payment and take it with you when you go to the delegación o centro de documentación to get your new DNI with the desired change of address.
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PS to my previous post: If you live in Buenos Aires (not C.A.B.A.) and own your home you may be able to use a certificado de catastro issued by the municipalidad instead of a certificado de domicilo issued by the police.

That's what I used to make the change of address in my old DNI at the Registro Civil as well as have the electricity and gas changed to my name.

All I had to to to get the certificado de catastro was show the escritura for the purchase of my house and pay a small fee at the office of the municipalidad. The gas and electric companies accepted photocopies of the certificate for the name change on those accounts.

In the province (at least in my area) the certificado de domicilo is issued by the Registro Civil, not the police, so I'm not sure they would ask for one when making the address change. Nonetheless, they will probably ask for something.
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