So in 5 weeks after the Preveido has been signed by the judge, the secretary has still not issued the oficios. Nor are they responding to my emails about a cita. So I went directly to the mesa de entrega de escritos this week and submitted an "escrito" to the judge asking that "la casa siga según su estado...y solicitar un turno etc.".
Bajo, are there any administrative sanctions I can invoke against the secretario for not doing their job? Literally non of the other citizenship cases in that secretaria from 2021 are moving. They are all stuck EN LETRA because at the inicio they ask for additional documents and most people don't follow up, and even if they do, the secretaria just ignores them.
How many prosecretarios work in each Secretaria?
I guess if they respond to me next week I will be given a turno 4-5 weeks from then. Is there a way to ask for an "expedited" turno just to pick up the oficios?