Out of curiosity for those of you who have completed this process already, what are my remaining steps?
- As I'm a monotributista they requested a copy of my proof of CUIL and a certificado de ingresos personales emitido por Contador Público Nacional
- I submit that and they review it after the Feria Judicial
- Assuming everything's fine, what's next?
I'm guessing I meet the judge and they ask me why/to confirm I want to become a citizen, and then I have to have something published in a newspaper? What's the steps between where I'm at and me going to Renaper with my citizenship letter and getting my new DNI and passport?
Thanks guys!
Have they issued the oficios? Submitting a CUIL and ingresos personales is usually the first step. Then they will issue 7 or so oficios. To Enrolados (they do it for you and the response is very quick within days), Migraciones (also done via DEOX and you don't have to do anything, response is quick usually 1-2 months), Convenio (also done via DEOX, it can take 3-12 weeks depending on how much work they have), Renaper (usually done via email or paper but again done by the court, it takes 1-2 months), Interpol background check (usually done via email it takes 2-3 months). You have to go to the court to pick up the oficios for Reincidencia and then get fingerptinted etc for the antecedentes. Usually takes 1-2 weeks.You need an appointment, turnos are online. Also usually they will give you the oficios for PFA to get fingerprinted for the the antecedntes policiales, you need to call and get an appointment at the police beforehand...usually takes about 1 month. Finally, the court will ask your local police station, comisaria, to send someone to your address to confirm you live at the address you have submitted (the one on yr DNI). Then they will send an oficio to the court confirming that. This sometimes can take many months depending on the comisaria, sometimes they don't do it and the court has to send the request many times before they do it...
Also at some point you will pick up the edictos to publish in the newspaper they tell you to. And pay the fee. This is easy and you do it yourself. Then you email the court copies to their email...
Finally, most judges here in Caba ask for a antecedentes del pais de origen translated in Spanish with apostilla. Similar to what you do for the residencia.
They will never ask you "why" you want to be a citizen. They don't care.
Once you have all the requirements, oficios, they will send your case to the "fiscal" for an opinion if he agrees that you are in condiciones to get the carta de ciudadania. They may say yes or they may ask for additional docs. Once the fiscal is okay with your application, the cases goes back to the Judge, at this point the judge will either approve your carta de ciudadania or ask for more docs. If they approve it they will issue a sentencia. Then they will give you a fecha to swear in as a citizen...usually within 2-4 weeks. After the juramento you can to go to Renaper to get Argentine DNI. Then once you have the DNI you can get a passport.
The whole citizenship process from start to finish usually takes between 8 and 18 months (on average 13-14m) depending on many factors some in your control and some not.Some times it can take as long as 2-3 years depending on the particular case. Good luck.