I hope you are right that it is the wrong perception. Every case I have seen started 1 year since date of residency at the earliest. Regardless of the circumstance citizenship is not granted here is one of your current big cases:
Link: http://scw.pjn.gov.ar/scw/home.seam
Jurisdiction: CCF
Case number / year: 7778 / 2015
As noted, this case is from 2015. This is the case you went to the supreme court. Yet, even in this case, there is no citizenship granted. Supreme court started way back in 2017 and has long since resolved.
This is a case that was the judge is blocking the case arbitrarily yet it is not mattering for the victim. That is
5 years old and many of the other cases are older than this in judicial purgatory.
This is a case where the person did not have a valid visa (illegal from the judges view, apparently). Where you have offered supreme court rulings. Hell, you even took this specific case to the Supreme Court back in 2017 and won.
Yet, despite all this, the case is still in no-mans-land in 2020. The judge just continues the case into a judicial purgatory and a sentence is never realized. This is a trend I have seen with several of your cases.
I am not criticizing you. If someone needs a citizenship lawyer you are the best in the country hands-down. However, making people believe that all they need is two-years in country, no criminal record, and a means to support themselves and they can get citizenship within 2 years is far away from the actual reality. There is a high probability that the person will be disappointed.
If someone wants to avoid getting a visa, then they are likely looking at a multi-year fight with a judge and the total process will take 4-5 years. If they want quick citizenship, then they need to get a valid visa and they can get within 2-3 years.