Clarin & La Nacion blocked from operatring as usual

Jaredwb... Argentina is lightyears away from becoming a second Venezuela. The concentration of power in Chavez' hands is best comparable to Perons ''best'' years.
ReemsterCARP said:
Jaredwb... Argentina is lightyears away from becoming a second Venezuela. The concentration of power in Chavez' hands is best comparable to Perons ''best'' years.

REALLY? Light years?? More like 2-5. Just wait.
ReemsterCARP said:
CFK hasnt got the popular support that Chavez had from 2003 - 2007

She doesn't need it...we all know IF she wins this year, it won't have anything to with a "democratic vote"
Electoral fraud is as old as the Argentine Republic. I do not have any reason to believe that this years elections will be more fraudulent than the previous ones.
ReemsterCARP said:
CFK hasnt got the popular support that Chavez had from 2003 - 2007

Maybe not but this is still what these people would like. The old plan of trading off with Nestor isn't operable anymore. If she wins big maybe they will try to abolish term limits like they have done a few countries here recently. I am not really worried about it as I think the whole thing will melt-down in the next year or so anyway. Better to have her in the hot-seat than some sap that gets blamed for it all after being in office for 3 months.
jaredwb said:
So the poor lazy workers are mad because they were fired for being lazy not doing their jobs? PATHETIC!
How do you come up with such a poor conclusion? Have you even read the whole article? And what does Moyano have to do in all of this?
PabloAriel said:
How do you come up with such a poor conclution? Have you even read the whole article? And what does Moyano have to do in all of this?

Well, I did a bit of research (might want to try it) so read a few articles and back story...

1st, this happened 6 YEARS ago!! WTF are they protesting now for.

2nd, Moyano is (of course) supporting the filth on the street and making excuses saying the mothers and children (abusers and abused) are there because they have nothing to eat (AFTER 6 YEARS??)

3rd, as for the firing, does it really matter WHY they were fired?? If the company wanted to fire them (FOR ANY REASON) that is their right to do so.

EDIT: And is Moyano ever NOT involved in the protests around the city????
Things need to be put into context.

On one side, there was too much of a monopoly (Grupo Clarin) which is not a good thing in any democracy. In fact, if you ask me, this should be done in many countries (and separating the press from the finance industry).

On another side, it's true that indeed the fight is quite brutal from the governemental side, it's even worst in the Provincia where the newspapers need to be printed and distributed.

Last, this law came with a magnificent gift for the press : the decriminilization (not sure about the spelling) of calomny & insults.

Somehow this "little war" was unavoidable.

And also, Grupo Clarin & La Nacion get a benefit from this (defend us : look they are trying to shut us down).

Last, there's an emotional aspect (this is important, latin culture), with the two sides who clearly hate each other (and sorry, but the story about the son & daughter of Clarin's owner is not clear at all, I won't feel sorry).

That puts everything in perspective.
jaredwb said:
Well, I did a bit of research (might want to try it) so read a few articles and back story...

1st, this happened 6 YEARS ago!! WTF are they protesting now for.

2nd, Moyano is (of course) supporting the filth on the street and making excuses saying the mothers and children (abusers and abused) are there because they have nothing to eat (AFTER 6 YEARS??)

3rd, as for the firing, does it really matter WHY they were fired?? If the company wanted to fire them (FOR ANY REASON) that is their right to do so.

If you did a bit of research, you should know that these workers went to the justice and won the trial court but Clarin still refuses to employ them again. Clarin even has to pay over a million pesos fine. As long as this doesn't get solved they have all the right to be heard, that's what this is all about. If it wasn't for this you wouldn't even know what happened 6 years ago. And JFYI, this isn't the first time they do that, but now that they can blame Moyano for it it's all over the news.
Oh, you should also do some research on labor laws, FIRING IS NOT a right.