Cool Commies... Che Guevara As Fashion Chic

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
The striking school teacher wearing a Che T shirt is almost painful to watch.
In the US, el Che is a terrorist, more or less like Hitler. Outside the US, even in Europe, not so much, is the hero for millions of people.
In today's world folks still hung up on the "commies". Get a grip.
If you understand history, you'll look at hammer and sickle t-shirts (and variations) in the same light as swastika t-shirts. The fact that more idiots are wearing the former in public doesn't change that equivalence.
In the US, el Che is a terrorist, more or less like Hitler. Outside the US, even in Europe, not so much, is the hero for millions of people.

That says a lot about how screwed up humanity is. He was a criminal, a racist, a homophobe, an authoritarian and a murderer. Those who support him are either very ignorant or as criminal as he was.
A masterpiece....!!!

If they allowed Cubans to migrate to the US how many would be left in this paradise of literacy and free health care...??

Che Said the only way for Socialism to take over Power is to Eliminate the Bourgeoisie...via the armed revolution...!

Must judge Che by his success history in Angola,, Cuba. and Bolivia