we all are going to get the virus sooner or later, sit back and take it in, the body needs to battle the flu like symptoms to become immune to it, which is not any different from the typical common colds we had all experienced.
Unless you just made this up in your head, please provide any links you´ve read which support this assertion.
Unlike the common cold and the season flu, the corona virus may be spread asymptomatically. People caan become infected by coming in contact with others who have no idea they are spreading the virus and will never know unless they are tested while the virus is in their system.
It has been estimated (by medical experts) that half of the world´s population will be exposed to the virus before there is a vaccine. Many oif them will not require any medical treatment, but the elderly and those with compromised immune systems will be the one´´s who face the greatest risk of death from the virus...a virial infection which is far more likely to kill them than the commonn cold or even the season flu.
If people "sit back and take it in" the virus will spread much faster than if they take reasonable precautions (like limiting social contact) to try avoid gettig it.
Even if the vast majority of people take all the precautions they can, the disease is still
likely to overwhelm the medical infrastructure of almost every country on the planet.
Everyone needs to do everything they can to help limit the number of those who are infected before a vaccine becomes available.
rate of covid-19 is in par with the common cold,a bit more infectious and a bit harder on the immunocompromised elderly but overall the same
Unless you just made this up in your head, please provide any links you´ve read which support this assertion.
The common cold doesn´t have anywhere near the death rate of seasonal flu, and thus far the coronavirus appears to have a significantly higher death rate than both of them...combined.
Please leave the chinese people alone, avoiding them is racism.
Please explain how "leaving the Chinses people alone" is different from avoiding them?
I honstly don't understand why people treat the virus as if it were a plague.
The coronavirus (aka covid-19) started as an
epidemic in China and, as it spread to to other countries, it became, literally, according to the definition of the word, a
The Spanish flu also started in China as an epidemic and so did the Bubonic Plague centuries earlier. That´s an interesting historical fact, but it doesn´t mean Chinese people should be discrimimated against now.
Both the Spanish flu and the Bubonic Plague became pandemics which killed a huge percentage of the world´s population at the time and there was no way to stop them. They simply ran their course, but that was due to the limited medical ability to deal effectivelly with either of them.
I reiterate, even with the current efforts to contain the virus, those who get it and require medical treatment are likely to overwhem the health care systems of most countries, including first world nations. Just look at what´s already happened in Italy and is now happening in France and Spain.
As a result, many people will die from other causes because they can´t get the care and treatment for what ails them.