Cost Of Living

I went through a series of emotions over the course of this tawdry thread:

Stage 1. I wanna move to Argentina.
Why not? Might save her $40,000 in student loan debt.​

Stage 2. My parents are rich, so money's not an issue.

Hell if money weren't an issue I'd just stick in the US of A. Why bother with leaving?​

Stage 3. I'm tired of US culture and I want to go somewhere where people aren't so uptight.

Um and you pick BA-- where instead of beach and bbq we have psychoanalysts and plastic surgery?​

Stage 4. Screw you guys you're all so damn negative!

Bummer. I was looking forward to your posts in a year on the unbearable suckiness of Correo Central and dog poop.​

Edit: I just noticed Canela/Naty/ARBoundJr is still with us, so there's still hope for Stage 5.
That's totally valid, but like Felipe said, if you ask questions then be prepared to get both answers you like and those you don't like. Personally, I would consider it a huge favour if somebody did his utmost to make me see the negative ramifications of a major choice I was thinking of making. You will find negativity here, but unlike others on this forum, I am not as willing to discount your 19 years. To me, you're playing in the big leagues now, so be prepared to take a couple high-and-tight fastballs.
Thanks, I appreciate the reality checks from everyone, that is true, I just don't appreciate everyone's attitude issues
Am I giving someone advice? No, I'm asking for it. I'm having a hard time dealing with so many people going through a midlife crisis being extremely rude to someone they consider a child, if you consider me a child why are you all bullying me, as if I were your equal?

You did give us advice. To move back to America. Don't dish it if you can't handle it. That's real life and you'll find more of that in Argentina. No one is trying to bully you, but you need to learn to have thick skin if you're going to make it down here or you'll run scared as soon as Argentine reality hits.
Not hiding behind it, I'm simply using your own words against you. I do expect to be treated equally, but most people are calling me a kid and being really snarky, and I wonder why people consider it acceptable to treat someone they consider a kid in that manner. But great, if you're all ready to stop belittling me so your bullying doesn't seem out of place, awesome, thanks for the advice, you don't 'scare' me, thanks for preparing me for the real world, much appreciated
I appreciate those of you not trying to completely convince me out of it. You have to understand that I have no dreams involving America. Americans always have this thing where they are sure that America is better, even when they choose to move, this standard is pretty hard to break. But my calling is in Argentina. I'm certainly not going to be meeting up with any yankees once i'm there. I prefer this culture, it is my opportunity. It is my unique perspective, and maybe that won't make me any money but it is my only reason to live.
I know it's not the path most people take. I was stupid to share any personal goals on this site.
Chau xx

Robert Frost said -
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

T.E. Lawrence was more direct -
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, waken to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. This I have done.

My advice is, be a dreamer of the day. Go for what you want while you are young, fight your way to it if you must. Because if you tell yourself you'll do it later, after you've finished college, blah blah blah, you will wake up one day to find that you have grown old, and the chains of your bondage to everyday humdrum existence have grown comfortable through long use.
If you plan on studying film, I will tell you that a dear friend came here from Columbia to do just that. She spent 4+ years here, didn't finish her degree in the end and wound up moving to LA to study there as she felt she wasn't getting what she needed here. That being said, she did make a short here that wound up winning a bunch of prizes in film festivals all over the world.

You are young. Absolutely I think taking risks are great. No one is telling you not to do it, people are simply telling you to be smart about doing it. Understand you have to do all your hs exams all over again before you even start. Understand you will need to have a bankroll to support yourself, however humbly you plan on living, b/c you aren't going to be able to find a job right away most probably and even if you do, well it's tough working here. It's great to come down, just make sure you have a safety net.
Robert Frost said -
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

T.E. Lawrence was more direct -
All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, waken to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible. This I have done.

My advice is, be a dreamer of the day. Go for what you want while you are young, fight your way to it if you must. Because if you tell yourself you'll do it later, after you've finished college, blah blah blah, you will wake up one day to find that you have grown old, and the chains of your bondage to everyday humdrum existence have grown comfortable through long use.

In the words of Warren Miller:

"If you don't do it this year, you'll be one year older when you do.”