Cost Of Living

I agree in your disagreement. I think she should do it, just know what she is getting into.

Hehe. At such an age, there is no way she can even imagine what she's getting into. Doesn't matter how much she reads about life here. It's why we as a species manage to move forward in so many different ways - the courage to do stupid things, that can sometimes turn out to be the best thing we've ever done.

Canela, most of us have been knocked around quite a bit by life in one way or another. What we on the forum know is how we would have done things different in our own life, not how you should do things in your life.

I have two sisters-in-law who live with us, who come from a very, very poor background. We're talking thatched roof, dirt floor, walk to school with shoes falling off your feet poor. They got a growing-up early in such an environment and they understand instinctually what DirtBoy means when he gives his advice. They are much more serious about life and seizing opportunities than any of their schoolmates are because they know what it means to have no opportunities and to suddenly be given what seems like the keys to the universe, even though to people in the States it isn't even as much as many there get (no being cheerleaders [one of them REALLY wanted to go to high school in the States just to be a part of such a fable], no car for the 16th birthday, that kind of stuff).

If you need to experience poverty and hardship at a young age in order to get what you are looking for out of life, I say go for it. Of course, you have a safety line in your folks, I'd imagine, to pull you out if things got ugly. Not really the same, but simulations can be helpful.

I've always maintained that it should be a requirement that US youths get out of the country and see what the world is really about. Just make sure you can get back if things get funky.

And I hope you draw the correct conclusions from what you learn here.
I have done some apparently dumb things, and some apparently smart things, and I wouldn't change one. Was it the best path at the time? No way to know since I didn't go the other way.
We do what we do because of who we are and who we will become.
Wow, did I sound that naive when I was 20? Ok, I do appreciate what your self thinks it needs. If this was my 20-something self and the older me could give this younger me advice this would be it: Stay in LA, work 50 hours per week while you go to school full time. Live with your parents. Save every last cent you can save. Once you get your degree take a portion of that money and put it into a separate account. Move to BA (or wherever). Work, scrounge, scratch, claw, etc. You might make it. But once that money runs out go back home and get a real job.

But I can tell that this advice will fall on deaf ears. When I was 20 my dad was the dumbest guy I knew. What an idiot! He didn't know sh*t! But now that I'm almost 50 it amazes me how smart the old guy has gotten in 30 years!
If everyone hates it so much there...why do you all live there?
Come back to America where your bitter personalities fit in.
I appreciate those of you not trying to completely convince me out of it. You have to understand that I have no dreams involving America. Americans always have this thing where they are sure that America is better, even when they choose to move, this standard is pretty hard to break. But my calling is in Argentina. I'm certainly not going to be meeting up with any yankees once i'm there. I prefer this culture, it is my opportunity. It is my unique perspective, and maybe that won't make me any money but it is my only reason to live.
I know it's not the path most people take. I was stupid to share any personal goals on this site.
Chau xx
Hubris of youth. And if you think expats are bitter, hang out with porteños ;)

Come and enjoy but be smart about it which means have an economic safety net. ie, 6 months of living expenses and enough for a ticket home if/when you need it. Calling aside, you are most probably not going to waltz into one of those 7K a month jobs to start, esp if you are trying to study.
I appreciate those of you not trying to completely convince me out of it. You have to understand that I have no dreams involving America. Americans always have this thing where they are sure that America is better, even when they choose to move, this standard is pretty hard to break. But my calling is in Argentina. I'm certainly not going to be meeting up with any yankees once i'm there. I prefer this culture, it is my opportunity. It is my unique perspective, and maybe that won't make me any money but it is my only reason to live.
I know it's not the path most people take. I was stupid to share any personal goals on this site.
Chau xx

Whether you like the USA or not, the reality is this in terms of economy----
If you live in Argentina, earning an average Argentine wage, you eventually (and fairly quickly) will become frustrated at your economic instability. Yesterday I went to the supermarket to buy instant coffee, oh yes, I know there are those who will say that's a luxury item especially since I wanted the Nescafé brand.......$65 pesos a jar. Last time I bought one in January it was $39 pesos. I've lived here for 7 years and when I came here that jar cost $7 pesos. So you do the math. The USA is not paradise but at least you have stability (for now at least) in terms of basics.
If you earn dollars here from outside of the country, your situation will be much better as inflation will not affect you as much and devaluations (a sad fact) will work in your favor. I know many expats who wait for devaluations with baited breath, although this causes havoc for the country and a bonanza for them. Not criticizing anyone, that's the way things work here. You will be quickly awoken from your 'dreams' when you find that there is nothing else you can cut back on and try to maintain a certain standard of living and you can't.
If everyone hates it so much there...why do you all live there?
Come back to America where your bitter personalities fit in.
We're in America - América Latina. Also it is not just your fellow compatriots that are bitter, Canucks and Eurotrash abound in this forum. The USA is not the source of all.

Why do they live here? Because they fell in love with that dashing/svelte tango dancer and have chosen love over material possessions.