Cost Of Living

We're in America - América Latina. Also it is not just your fellow compatriots that are bitter, Canucks and Eurotrash abound in this forum. The USA is not the source of all.

Why do they live here? Because they fell in love with that dashing/svelte tango dancer and have chosen love over material possessions.

Joe-san, canela321 means exact that, she is attracted to the grand Argentina period.! She is willing to suffer all consequences, but
still she wants to be there. So let her be where she wants to be,she will feel all these advises of not to, in her bone sooner or later.
I appreciate those of you not trying to completely convince me out of it. You have to understand that I have no dreams involving America. Americans always have this thing where they are sure that America is better, even when they choose to move, this standard is pretty hard to break. But my calling is in Argentina. I'm certainly not going to be meeting up with any yankees once i'm there. I prefer this culture, it is my opportunity. It is my unique perspective, and maybe that won't make me any money but it is my only reason to live.
I know it's not the path most people take. I was stupid to share any personal goals on this site.
Chau xx

There's no need to be a smart ass.
You asked for advice and that's what you got. Since the opinions of those more experienced aren't to your liking then you shouldn't have asked in the first place. Sounds like a good whooping in the ass Argentine style would suit you well. I came here in my late teens alone and would only recommend it to the strong. There's plenty of poor, crime ridden slums in the States where you can also get that "third world-enrichening experience" you crave for enlightenment and higher wisdom.
If everyone hates it so much there...why do you all live there?
Come back to America where your bitter personalities fit in.
If everyone hates it so much there...why do you all live there?
Come back to America where your bitter personalities fit in.

You mean North America, right? Because if you're determined to live here remember to differentiate between North America and South America.
If everyone hates it so much there...why do you all live there?
Come back to America where your bitter personalities fit in.


Dear Expats,​

I had some questions about living in Argentina could you answer them for me?​

Wait! Those aren't the answers I wanted! Screw you guys, why don't you just leave?​
Coming here to study at 19 is not the same thing as living here and having to support a family, etc. I never got the idea that she was coming here to slum it with the lower classes (though we have had that type pass through), but rather that she like Argentina and wanted to study there.

That said, I think the biggest problem canela (wasn't it naty in the other threads) faces is losing the rose-colored glasses she obviously uses when viewing Argentina. She doesn't yet seem to realize she is looking at close to a decade by the time she actually finished her degree. The first several of those years will include extremely low paying jobs, living with multiple roommates, and having to count every centavo. Luck and persistence don't go as far in Argentina as they do elsewhere. Connections are the key to everything.

I don't think she has even fully accepted the fact that she will have to spend a year studying for/taking high school exams and that her academic Spanish is probably not as good as she assumes.
I went through a series of emotions over the course of this tawdry thread:

Stage 1. I wanna move to Argentina.
Why not? Might save her $40,000 in student loan debt.​

Stage 2. My parents are rich, so money's not an issue.

Hell if money weren't an issue I'd just stick in the US of A. Why bother with leaving?​

Stage 3. I'm tired of US culture and I want to go somewhere where people aren't so uptight.

Um and you pick BA-- where instead of beach and bbq we have psychoanalysts and plastic surgery?​

Stage 4. Screw you guys you're all so damn negative!

Bummer. I was looking forward to your posts in a year on the unbearable suckiness of Correo Central and dog poop.​

Edit: I just noticed Canela/Naty/ARBoundJr is still with us, so there's still hope for Stage 5.
I have a hard time accepting advice about leaving Argentina from someone who is barely old enough to vote and has never lived, worked here and actually supported herself.
I never said my parents are is an issue, and I would be paying a lot of my student loans if i stayed in US.
I know that America does not mean North America. I know a lot about the Argentine culture, I speak more Spanish than I do English, you guys need to stop acting like you know me and realize you're all grown adults bullying a 19 year old online, what the hell is wrong with you people. I tried to keep things as impersonal as possible and just get some questions answered but instead got a whole slew of negativity and people trying to convince me out of something. I didn't come here for advice on my life decisions, I get enough of that in real life and believe me I understand what all of you are saying. I simply have to find things out for myself, it's not that I don't believe you, and it's not that I'm seeing through rose colored glasses, it's that I don't want a different path in life, I want to go here to study film and work in film eventually and I'm not going to explain all my reasons for everything to everyone, I simply want questions answered without so much negativity and attitude; I get enough of that at home and I need one place that will not attack me, but I chose wrong, although you people are helpful and very enlightening on the hardships I will be facing, I can always go back if I don't like it, I'm not throwing my life away, if it doesn't work out then I'll move back.
I have a hard time accepting advice about leaving Argentina from someone who is barely old enough to vote and has never lived, worked here and actually supported herself.
Am I giving someone advice? No, I'm asking for it. I'm having a hard time dealing with so many people going through a midlife crisis being extremely rude to someone they consider a child, if you consider me a child why are you all bullying me, as if I were your equal?
That's totally valid, but like Felipe said, if you ask questions then be prepared to get both answers you like and those you don't like. Personally, I would consider it a huge favour if somebody did his utmost to make me see the negative ramifications of a major choice I was thinking of making. You will find negativity here, but unlike others on this forum, I am not as willing to discount your 19 years. To me, you're playing in the big leagues now, so be prepared to take a couple high-and-tight fastballs.