Countdown To Default!

Dah.... Argentina threatened with contempt of court. WTF , going to put K in jail for contempt? The old judge has met his match: Ms K.
Dah.... Argentina threatened with contempt of court. WTF , going to put K in jail for contempt? The old judge has met his match: Ms K.

It is hilarious!
Under US law, the party being sued is a legal person.

States are rules by international públic law, not by local US law. The States as jurídic persons of international law with sovereignty and this is a rule of ius cogens (mandatory international custom).

This is why this case is bizarre. You have a sentence but the judge wants to negociate. Guess why?
Argentina will demonstrate la viveza criolla


so I guess Argentina will default.

I will never forget when Kissinger offered to send trainers to countries that needed to renegotiate the foreign debt. To train them on how to pay the least possible amount to genuine bondholders following his success of paying 35 % on the dollar in 2005 to 76 % of the bondholders.
We have changed jusristdiction to BA: