Covid Vaccination Argentina

The backroom and details of the decree to unlock the purchase of Pfizer, Janssen and Moderna vaccines. To overcome the legal pitfalls with the US laboratories, the term “negligence” was eliminated; The announcement was made by Vilma Ibarra and Carla Vizzotti, the two officials who were in the negotiations with the North American companies....

Copy of the Official Decree (DNU), effective 2 July 2021, is included in the article.
Had the government done that a year ago, many deaths could have been avoided.
But they are even more incompetent than they are corrupt.

Which is saying a lot.
The numbers are in. According to a piece in Clarin, 11.227 unnecessary deaths could have been avoided if Pfizer vaccines had been bought last December.

"El cálculo da, con exactitud, 11.227 muertes extra. Son, aproximadamente, el 12 por ciento del total de los decesos por Covid que hay en el país: algo más de una de cada 10 muertes podrían haberse evitado si la Argentina hubiera contado con esa cantidad extra de vacunas."

Updated on 1 July 2021 at 8:02 am

2 July 2021 at 6:22pm
2 July 2021 by Mariel Fitz Patrick
Five months after its purchase, the equipment that analyzes massive samples in 24 hours to identify strains such as Delta is not yet operational. It is a state-of-the-art machine acquired by the Ministry of Health in the first days of February, which would allow the analysis of the tests of travelers arriving in Ezeiza. The Malbrán Institute explained that the robotic arms are missing to carry out the genomic sequence. The cost bidding mechanism is in process to acquire them....
The numbers are in. According to a piece in Clarin, 11.227 unnecessary deaths could have been avoided if Pfizer vaccines had been bought last December.

"El cálculo da, con exactitud, 11.227 muertes extra.

Oh my, they can say it "with certainty". Did they also calculate what would happen if on the first day of his presidency Alberto took all the money from the central bank and invested in bitcoin, and then sold it at its peak? Also "with certainty" and up to a single centavo. This is math, it can not be wrong.

Also, I don't think they should rewrite the contracts, they should amend them like this: Appendix A: "And for our American friends, yes, you can be negligent, if you want to."
@lunar and BAHibs - I take it you both prefer to read Pagina 12 or others of the same persuasion.

Wish you luck with your government - it will certainly be needed, with such incompetent crew in charge of this poor country.
@lunar and BAHibs - I take it you both prefer to read Pagina 12 or others of the same persuasion.

I don't like when paid writers are trying to push some political agenda by using science-like talk that is supposed to impress the general public.
Besides, this is an example of the hindsight bias taken to the max.

Wish you luck with your government - it will certainly be needed, with such incompetent crew in charge of this poor country.

It is nice to know that we have "our" government and you have "yours". Yours must be much better.
The numbers are in. According to a piece in Clarin, 11.227 unnecessary deaths could have been avoided if Pfizer vaccines had been bought last December.

"El cálculo da, con exactitud, 11.227 muertes extra. Son, aproximadamente, el 12 por ciento del total de los decesos por Covid que hay en el país: algo más de una de cada 10 muertes podrían haberse evitado si la Argentina hubiera contado con esa cantidad extra de vacunas."

The reason why they weren't bought is because Pfizer demanded military bases as collateral. Other countries also had the same problem with them.

So if you want to blame anyone maybe blame the company that made truly ridiculous demands, turning health into an attempt to get state assets.
Please let me know who believes Pfizer demanded military bases as collateral - I've a great bridge in Brooklyn I'd love to sell.

I've also have an inventory of "buzones" in Argentina for sale.